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Comments Off on When Writing Negatively About the Somali Community in Minnesota Becomes Lucrative

Alright – so, if you live in Minnesota or are from Somalia, then you know that we are constantly on the news in a negative light. Normally, I do not pay attention but lately the Minnesota Reformer and The Mpls Tribune have been writing about autism. Then it affects me and my kid. I started thinking about it and looking into why so many usually liberal media outlets write so much negative which then is picked up and carried even further by conservative media outlets.

Sahan Journal which was started by a Somali journalist with the intention of having a diverse reporters who bring the news of the BIPOC communities to light and tell our stories to mainstream. All good right. Not so fast. Sahan’s financial leverage took off after it started writing negative stories about the Somali community. All of the sudden, everyone and their mama’s wanted to donate. In autism therapy, we call that positive reinforcement which increases the behavior you want to solicit. In other words, the more Sahan wrote about the founder’s community in a negative light, the more donations came in. Yum Yum.

Then came Minnesota Reformer, another non-profit also started by a liberal but a white one this time. They promise to be centered and fair. That was a dream that did not last because fairness does not bring donations and readers. Then they started writing negative stories that racially profiled the Somali community. Then voila like magic, their visibility increases. You see the connection. Demonizing and defaming immigrant communities become cash-cow especially during election time since most folks are more interested in political news. Welcome to Minnesota – ladies and gentlemen where racial and islamophobia is well and alive.

These stories become catch phrases for politicians to preach to their core constituents which feeds itself off to even more reporting. Now the Tribune has joined in the ring and even hired the reported who started the negative articles in the Reformer – two peas in a pod, the yin to their yang. Does it get better than this.

While all of these are happening, the Somali business owners whose business have been screwed with decide to donate over $100k to the MN DFL House Caucus. You cannot even make this up. Let me make sure I understand this. The people who are being screwed with donate to the politicians who are screwing with them. What now? I am dizzy. This makes no sense to me. Instead, our community needed to hold the DFL party accountable who control all three government branches for years of dismissive and discriminatory tactics, but instead they reward them with over one hundred thousand dollars. I give up. What the heck?

To make matters worse, negative news stories create so much trauma for the BIPOC communities including the Somali community. I am sure these lovely fair and balanced news outlets will one day write about all the trauma our communities face without connecting how they are part of the problem. Lovely.

Blacks see themselves depicted negatively by the media, what? NO, come on.

Journalism’s racial reckonings: How funders and publishers confront systemic bias


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Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate

Comments Off on Autism Families and Housing Crisis – Now What?

Alright – so, for decades now, autism families have been struggling with housing. As we all know, autism is a developmental disability and often children have behaviors that causes self-injury and property destruction. Even for my own self, we have had more water damage and floods than I can count. I remember, one night while I was sleeping, I heard water running and thought it was raining outside. Nope, it was our home being flooded. I finally realize, run to the bathroom and my kid is just chilling in bathtub overflowing having the best sensory time.

This is our life and is 100 times worse for families who rent and do not own their own home. I see it at least weekly if not more a family who is being bullied by some kind of an apartment management. Families being evicted because of their children’s autism – what can be more heartbreaking. Yes, there are federal laws that is supposed to protect them, but often our families do not know about it or understand it well enough to fight back.
They are vulnerable and public housing entities take advantage of them time and time again.

Last year, we spoke with the Somali legislators and asked if they could do something. Nothing was done but maybe someone can take on this fight and advocate it harder. No, not me. I am really trying to retire. I am tired and I have zero desire to go back to the capital at all.
If you are a family who is being threatened, bullied, or intimidated by public housing, section 8 or even a privately owned property, you have rights if your child has autism. Please contact Homeline and the department of housing and urban development to file a complaint. You have the right to ask for and get reasonable accommodation for your child. You have the right to ask and get environmental accessibility adaptation to whatever you are renting. Learn what your rights and responsibilities are and do not let these blood sucking housing management folks intimidate you. You are not alone.

The best thing is to see if you can get your own home then you can safely modify it to meet your child’s disability without any crappy outside voices or hindering issues. There is EAA that can help with home safety modifications and now we even have one Somali EAA assessor and Contractor, yay!

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Trying to Retire Advocate

Comments Off on Bud Rosenfield – We Lost a Giant Advocate for all Minnesotans with Disabilities – Sooooo Sad

Alright – so, even though Bud passed away almost a year ago, I am having a hard time digesting it. I know he is in a better place, but this had hit me very hard. Bud was by far one of my favorite people in Minnesota. He was extremely smart, articulate, kind, funny and soooo passionate about and for people with disabilities. He knew disability laws more than anyone I have ever seen.

He had an unbelievable ability to recall every detail about every disability law, how it came about and everything in-between. My last conversation with him was last year. I called him to learn more about the process of MN choice assessments. I remember telling him he was now a hotshot who rubbed shoulders with the governor. You see he was appointed by Gov Walz to head the state’s ombudsman’s office. And, he said to me “even though I am a hot shot now, I still answer your phone”. So true. No matter who you were Bud answered your call and helped you. Whether you had GED or PhD, Bud was treated you with respect and kindness. I will sorely miss Bud and his mind.

During my autism advocacy, there isn’t one single issue that I did not get advice from Bud. One of my most memorable times was when we met with CMS and DHS via phone, this was before Zoom was popular. Bud simply told both the federal and state agency that unless low-income autism families were going to get equal and fair treatment in how services were offered – he will sue them. He was rare, honest, brutally honest, did I say kind, smart, kind, detail oriented, and so much more.

Bud, you will be missed by millions of disability families in Minnesota and across the country. May you rest in peace.

Comments Off on MN DHS’ EIDBI Benefit for Autism Families and How Commissioner Harpstead is doing – not good

Alright so, now that I have retired from advocacy, I reflect and see what we did and how it was done. I realize that even when you have good policies and laws the fruits still depend on who is in charge at the state Medicaid agency.

I have advocated countless DHS commissioners and asst/deputy/etc., but the current one takes the racist cake. Harpstead is by far the worst one. She is savvy in how she screws with minority autism families. She hires Black and brown people that she knows do not give a flying hoot. If you look at the DHS leadership bio, you will think – it is a poster in a minority company in Atlanta or something. Then when you see what they accomplish or have done thus far you will see they are — oh what is the word…… it is really original, not really, it is title that we sadly have so many of them in minority communities especially within the black community, it is called ……House Negro also known as an Oreo, for the brown person it is called twinkie. Black and brown on the outside but pure George Wallace on the inside. Ugh so frustrating.

For EIDBI, DHS hired two white women. One writes policies as an DHS employee then goes to the state legislator and makes sure what she wrote as DHS EIDBI policy lead gets passed as a law. I dare you to tell me a Black or brown person with the same privilege. The other one uses her BCBA certification to provide credit education under DHS. What now? what the heck does that have to do with autism therapy? nada, zilch, zero and yuk.
No one in DHS leadership seems to see the problem with this. Nope, it is all good when they all look like each other. These two are given complete power without regard to how it affects autism families and EIDBI providers.
Further, they have approved sooooo many Somali and other minority EIDBI providers without making sure they understand the rules and policies. DHS has refused to train new and current EIDBI providers. Naturally when you do not know policies and what you are supposed to do, you will make mistakes. When minority agencies make mistakes what does DHS do? screw with them faster than a NY minute and drop them like a hot potato. Keep in mind white autism providers who steel millions like Lovaas and BDI are not on the news, billing never suspended, they even forgive the money they stole. How do you like them apples.

Folks, this is your votes at work. Lax walba meeshay is dhigtaa laga helaa.
Do not even get me started with county problems. You know the counties where DHS gives public funds to help people with autism and other disabilities. Counties like Dakota constantly short-change Somali autism families and other black/brown families. Yet, DHS has zero system to help these families to understand their rights and responsibilities. Ugh.

Well it is election year again, we cannot keep voting for the same people and expect different policies.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate

Comments Off on Can You Fight a Shark If You Are Inside His Mouth?

Alright – so, oh boy and oh boy let me count the ways the Minnesota Department of HUMAN Services discriminates and dismisses the autism community, particularly the black and brown families and EIDBI providers.

I asked a highly educated and articulate Somali person who also owns an EIDBI agency why he does not speak up about how DHS’ EIDBI team – Ms. Berning and Rep. Hicks constantly screw with our community. His response was a spon on which I never even thought about.

He said – how can you possibly fight a shark if you are inside his mouth. DHS is a shark, all of us are inside their mouth and if we fight, they will eat and swallow us. Wow.

EIDBI was advocated solely by us – Somali autism parents and Somali community. There was not one single white person from any community who wanted MA to pay for autism therapy. Creating a position within DHS and hiring someone for autism was also our idea that we asked Dr. Sulik, Glenace Edwall and Alex B. This is how DHS EIDBI came about. It started with Anne H, now there are several people for autism at DHS.

To have those white people discriminate against the very community that fought hard for this is something you cannot even make up. It highlights the deep mentality and behaviors of most white people in Minnesota, especially the liberal ones. Under the Walz administration, DHS seems to have impunity to do whatever it wants without any consequences or remorse.

Ms. Berning is racist subconsciously. She does not even know that she is. She does not try to be one. Have you heard of the fish that asked “what the hell is water”. That is Ms. Berning. She has alwasy been in warm, calm, wonderful water that protects and nourishes her that she has no idea there are plenty of people with no water.

Rep. Hicks on the other hand is in your face, I don’t give a flying hoot and purposeful racist. Here is why and how. She is more charming, charismatic, wicked smart, underhanded, manipulative and has black children. No one will ever think racism and her are even close until you pay close attention to how she helps Dr. Larrson and the all white exclusive club ATAmn. This group of white ABA therapy providers fought us feverishly for MA to not cover autism therapy. Yet, they milk EIDBI now with the help of Hicks. She manipulates and coarces the few Somali state legislators to not write about any autism bills. She even told one of them that autism was NOT high in the Somali community. Now what now? She will cry a river faster than Justin Timberlake. She will befrind you while burrying you. These two are now in charge of the benefit that I and others have stayed up late at night, woke up early in the morning, chased legislators into the Capitol bathrooms and cried over it. How do you like them apples?

So yes, I agree with the Somali person who told me DHS is a shark and they know people are inside their mouth. I also believe in ending discrimination one racist at a time. I beleive in never giving up. I believe in being a permanant hemmorroids for all racist and racism tactics. Imagine if the many black Americans people who fought the rights we have said, forget it, I cannot fight this bullshit. Our rights would be even less.

I think we should never give up. We should fight with our voices and votes. Voting out Hicks is one step. Rochester has lots of Somalis, some of whom have children with autism. I believe holding Rep. Noor accountable for all things DHS is another way. I believe holding Walz needs to be done. We cannot keep voting for the same people who hire the same type of agency leaders then expect better outcomes. We must do better and keep fighting for our children with autism and our community.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate

Comments Off on Open Letter to Rep. Kim Hicks of Rochester – Stop the Manipulation of our elected officials

Alright – so, if you are an autism parent or in the autism field, then you have heard that a white liberal, privileged and entitled woman has been elected in Rochester to the state legislature. She is also the policy lead for autism in the state human services agency. And she is in every human services committee in the house. Now, this is what they call really privileged. How does this even work. Is Melissa Hortman blind or just playing favoritism. Is DHS stupid or tricking people. This would be Saturday night live funny sketch if it were not sadly true.

How does even work. From Jan to May, Rep. Hicks creates laws, rules, and policies for DHS then from June to Dec works at DHS to implement those rules, laws, and policies.

She has gone further, she has been advising Rep. Noor, Rep. Hassan and Rep. Hussein about autism and DHS. Now what now? Will the real slim shady stand up. This is how Democracy works in Minnesota for white liberal women.

And her job is kept for her and secure for six months while she writes and creates laws for the same agency she works for. Um, excuse me but does autism take a break from Jan to May. This is what it means to be biased in your core. This is what it means when people mention institutional racism. This is how being white female and liberal works in Minnesota. Yep. Welcome to the land of 10,000 racial disparities.

We ask Rep. Hicks to stop giving wrong and biased advice to the few Somali elected officials we have in the state legislator. Yes, autism is disproportionately higher in our community. How dare you convince them otherwise. If DHS and Hortman were fair, they would not give you this dual role that you seem to be exploiting for your own benefit while screwing with other communities. We also ask that you stop giving advice to the all white autism group about EIDBI policies. This is wrong on every level. Have you no shame.

The above words do not reflect any committee, agency, or candidate.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate

Comments Off on Education Minnesota Refuses To Teach Black and Brown Students

Alright – so, if you read my blog or know me then you are aware I am not a fan of the teacher’s union in Minnesota. They are known as Education Minnesota. There is nothing educational about them. They control every democrat in Minnesota including many of the black and brown legislators. In fact, some even work for them like Rep. Frazier. So, what gives? Well, we get who we vote for and if we do not hold these politicians accountable for their policies or lack thereof then we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Voting is only part of the problem, the other is ensuring they do what they promised their voters. How can we do that? Following and understanding legislations. This is no small task. I know – even I get a headache and get tired at times. So, what did Education Minnesota do this legislative session and why are so many black and brown legislators including Somalis standing by idle – no pun intended.

  1. They managed to take the discipline bill out of the big Senate education Omnibus bill. They can blame the GOPs and the sun, but it is all of them. The GOPs are not in power in any state government body. Not one single black/brown legislator protested or spoke against it in the Senate floor including the two Somali senators. Ugh.
  2. They ensured our children do NOT read at grade level. What now? isn’t school supposed to teach students to read at grade level. Nope, if you are the white teacher who wants to fail and suspend our children.
  3. They ensured Ethnic studies were an optional and NOT a requirement. That means our history is not a requirement to learn in schools, but white history is. How do you like them apples.

The saddest and most frustration of all is that all of these crappy policies and laws are happening when there are more black and brown legislators in Minnesota including the senate than ever before in history. So, why vote for black and brown people if we are still going to be screwed with?

Education Minnesota tells any democrat to change, add, delete any law or policy and they jump on it with no hesitation and no reservation. This is the organization that managed to fire the teacher of the year few years ago. She was a Somali teacher.

Let’s put this into prospective. Minnesota has one of the worst suspension rates for children with autism, other disabilities as well as black and brown students, and we cannot pass a law to keep them in school? Minnesota has one of the worst education gaps in the country and we cannot require teachers to teach kids to read at grade level? And, Minnesota has so many racist and bias policies, but we cannot require all students to learn our ethnic history which should be American history. This is sooooo irritating and frustrating.

When I started my autism advocacy in 2008, I used to think – only if there were more black and brown legislators who looked like me then there would be progress. Now there are 5 Somalis, countless other black and brown legislators, and we are still struggling. What the heck?

Giving two-dollar grants to few agencies does not make up the horrible and shameful racial disparity we have in this state. We have to learn how to vote better and how to hold them accountable. Voting for the same people and expecting different policies is the definition of insanity.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate

Comments Off on Sen. Hoffman silences a Somali Autism Mom – What now?

Alright – so, if you know me, read my blog, or have been following autism policies in Minnesota then you know Sen. Hoffman has never been in our corner. Yes, I know he is charming, and charismatic and can say a few Somali or other East African words. He also writes a couple of bills and grants for one or two minorities. Woo hoo.

When it comes to autism, he has been against the low-income autism family. He voted against what is now known as EIDBI. He refused to do anything about suspending black, brown, and students with disabilities. God knows I have tried to campaign against him without success thus far. I will be coming back until he is defeated at the polls. Oh and, he is responsible for requiring a BCBA in EIDBI agencies even though there are hardly any in Minnesota. You see, Sen. Hoffman does not do his homework before writing a bill. Don’t get me wrong, he is a very smart legislator. But he is too arrogant to do anything inclusive with everyone.

Anyway, he is now carrying a bill for the group that is as welcoming as 1950s Alabama golf club that is asking for a rate increase in EIDBI. How do you like them apples? This group campaigned, lobbied, and testified against EIDBI to the nth power.  And, they want to exploit the system and make money out of it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what is called white privileged.

Below is my written testimony:

Minnesota Senate

Human Services Committee

Chair – Sen. Hoffman; Vice Chair – Sen. Fateh

March 27, 2023

     Re: Opposing SF 1593 – EIDBI Rate Increase; it is waste of time, money, and resources

Dear Mr. Chair and Mr. Vice Chair,

My name is Idil Abdull, I am a Somali Autism Mom, Advocate, and EIDBI provider. I oppose this bill for several reasons. First, I am disappointed that I am being silenced and the chair has refused to allow me to speak publicly and oppose this unnecessary, expensive, anti-diversity, and not needed legislation. This is a public committee using public funds run by public elected officials. It is unprecedented that some of the public are muted and silenced.

  1. It is redundant. As you know the governor and DHS have a rate study language in their bill and budget. That language will have diverse voices, is cost-effective and necessary.
  2. It has a fiscal note that we do not know yet.
  3. If the goal is culturally responsive to everything, and it is preached by this committee then this legislation was not drafted in such a way.
  4. As you all know, Somali kids born in Minnesota have the highest autism rate in any group in Minnesota and nationwide. Yet so many Somali autism families including me were excluded from this bill.
  5. There are more Somali EIDBI providers than any other ethnicity, yet many of us were not at the table. Quite frankly, as a black woman, I am tired of never being at the table in so many policies and often on the menu. Again, disparity is created by actions like this.
  6. I hope that this committee spends the money on this bill increasing diverse BCBAs since there are almost none in Minnesota, even though EIDBI providers are forced to have one. That is needed not this bill.

Finally, as you know Mr. Chair, you voted against EIDBI initially almost a decade ago. Back then it was not called EIDBI. We in the Somali community were simply asking MA to cover autism therapy for the low-income autistic child. It is also noted on the record that the group that is now pushing to make more money from EIDBI was against it. They testified and lobbied against it.

Thanks for your time,


Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom, Advocate, and EIDBI Provider


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Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate

Comments Off on MN HF 1626 is a waste of Resources and Redundant

Alright – so, I testified against this bill as it is a waste of money, exclusive, elitist, and unnecessary.

Minnesota House of Representatives

Human Services Finance Committee

Chair – Rep. Noor

March 7th, 2023

    Re: HF 1626 – The timing is wrong since DHS/Governor have a rate study proposal in their budget  

Dear Mr. Chair and Members, many thanks for the opportunity to testify today. My name is Idil Abdull, I am a Somali Autism Mom and a pissed-off advocate who would like to retire soon, and an EIDBI provider. EIDBI was approved by CMS in the Spring of 2015, and I have been a provider since 2015, we were one of the first agencies to be approved to do services under EIDBI.

HF 1626 is asking for a rate increase for EIDBI. This is for autism therapy providers. I want to let you know that autism is extremely high in children born in Minnesota to Somali parents according to research done by Gov Pawlenty’s health department in 2009 and UMN in 2013.

Additionally, I want the record to state that Early Intensive Developmental & Behavior Intervention passed the state legislature around midnight on Thursday, May 16, 2013. I know because I was the only person of color advocating for this bill at that time. It was Somali autism parents and the Somali community that solely advocated and fought tooth and nail to ensure Medicaid-covered autism therapy.

Fast forward to today, 3.7.23, there are more minority children particularly Somalis being served under EIDBI and more Somali EIDBI providers than any other ethnicity including non-minority providers who were initially against EIDBI.

Here are my concerns:

  1. Given this dark and long-fought history in getting EIDBI to pass both in Minnesota and in CMS which was no day at the park, why were there not more Somali and other minority EIDBI providers at the table when this was being written?
  2. What is the cost, and what does DHS shall develop a rate framework mean?
  3. How will this work with DHS’ rate study proposal? The last time we proposed the current rate for EIDBI, there were multiple stakeholder meetings; DHS got data from other states to compare rates and services. This bill feels rushed and hasty.
  4. Who will be at the table for this development that is mentioned in this bill?
  5. Will this rate adjustment include increasing the reimbursement rate for BCBAs since they are charging Somali providers and other small EIDBI agencies anywhere between $300 to $1000 for an hour for level one therapists? DHS reimburses level one $70 to $82.00 per hour.
  6. How can the fee be more than the reimbursement?
  7. Why is the author rushing with this bill when DHS and the governor’s office have put forth in their budget a rate and licensure study? This will ensure enough autism parents are included along with adequate minority EIDBI providers.
  8. I believe increasing BCBAs, particularly minority ones would be money well spent instead of this legislation. There is a chronic shortage of behavior analysts in Minnesota.

Finally, while I thank the author for bringing any autism legislation, I wish more folks from our community were asked to be involved particularly Somali autism parents.

It is not lost on me that the chair of this committee and the author reflect our community. I am disappointed most Somali autism parents were not at the table for this legislation. If the goal is always person-centered and culturally responsive manner, then the very least we expect from legislators who reflect us is simply to practice what they preach.

Racial disparity cannot survive and thrive when folks in power reflect minority communities. In Somalia, we call that “Lax Bacaad Lagu Lisay”.

Thanks for your time.

When EIDBI was approved by CMS.


Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom


The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or candidate.

Idil Abdull

Comments Off on Lovaas’ Dr. Larsson wants to milk the system using EIDBI and autism families

Alright – so, I think Dr. Larsson is arguably the most racist, cruel, heartless, SOB person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. This A-hole is the sole reason, I became a policy advocate. Let me put this into context.

When my son was 5 years old, this sh???t head discharged my kid by saying he was not going to be cured of autism. When the f??ck did he find a cure for autism. I remember the day he told me this. I remember what he was wearing, where he sat, how he sat, and his words like it were yesterday. If you are a parent and some nutjob tried to screw with your child, then you can understand my pain.

I remember I went into the garage and cried like there was no tomorrow for what seemed endless. After I pulled myself together; I wrote my plan for the following week.

Step one – call the governor’s office and ask how and where I can file a complaint against Lovaas and Dr. Larsson. Gov Pawlenty was the governor in Minn at that time. They tell me to call DHS’ commissioner who refers me to Dr. Sulik. (I sooooo miss him). Sulik calls Alex B and she tells me I cannot file a complaint because DHS and the state do not pay or cover ABA. I am thinking what now? My son gets ABA. How is he getting it? It turns out – if you were middle class or higher, you could get TEFRA which enabled your child to get autism therapy through Medicaid. If you were low-income and had MA, the same therapy was denied to your child. How do you like them apples? The state Medicaid agency was denying autism therapy to the poor while it paid for the wealthy. Isn’t Medicaid for the poor?

This started a long fruitful journey in which we eventually prevailed. Larsson and his vanilla posse were all against it. They testified against it, hired a lobbyist to screw with us, and even a publicist. Boo hoo, cry me a river. In the end, the low-income autism family won.

So, why is this racist SOB now even in EIDBI? greed. Remember how he fraudulently stole Medicaid money to the tune of over 2.8 million dollars. Well, he is baaaaaack to take advantage of the system again. It must be nice to be a white privileged man. If a black man did what Larsson did, DHS would have him for lunch by breakfast. Soooo infuriating.

In yesterday’s committee hearing, he brought an innocent Somali autism mom to use. Lovely. We are not stupid and will not fall for divide and conquer.

What is he asking – highway robbery and to steel again at the expense of the children with autism. He wants a rate increase for services he testified against, why? greed and more greed.

This bill needs to go bye-bye and fall off from the Omnibus. The Gov and DHS already have a more thoughtful and comprehensive way of doing an EIDBI rate increase. Why would the state do this twice at the same time? It is not cost-effective, and a golf club in Alabama in the 1950s is more inclusive than Larsson and his posse.

I ask Chair Noor to do the right thing and eliminate this bill. It is not needed. There is already better language in DHS’ bill which will have more inclusive and diverse voices. The goal is to be inclusive, not exclusive.

Oh and, I also sued this A-hole in federal court – 8th circuit. This is also why I am constantly asking to have judges that reflect us.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate