Ron Carey Pulls himself up by the MAC school bootstraps

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Alright – so, if you live in Minnesota and have a child with autism then you probably heard of Ron Carey. If not – here is a brief explanation. Ron is the previous chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota, he also has a child with autism. In addition, he is the chair of the biggest ABA center in Minnesota. And, the icing on the cake is the director of the …….wait for it….The fake MAC school.

Here is the full story, the MAC school tells autism parents and autistic children they are a public school located in Eagan. Then they tell the state education department they are a private school, then they tell the state Medicaid agency they are an ABA center. Confused….don’t be, this is the Ron Carey way. You know that folks that tell us pull your darn-self by your bootstraps. Mr. Ron Carey makes about $270,000 a year by charging….wait for it….the state Medicaid agency. uhm..why is Medicaid paying for any education skills? good question for DHS. And, since when do students in a private school use medical transportation and my favorite since when is a private school free. All sound confusing and complex, right? It is not.

Mr. Ron Carey might run for office one day – I personally can’t wait for that. How will he explain The MAC fake school to the poor voters. Unless of course he is not counting on running or asking for the poor vote.

I have seen Minnesota Department of Human services have for lunch minority owned child care centers by breakfast if they don’t have their emergency books in the right location. Yet, Mr. Ron Carey can run a fake, free private, non public school, charge Medicaid and get paid quarter a million and no one blinks.. come on and give me a bleeping break. I get it James Brown said it is a man’s world, but really DHS ….surely you can’t be blind or deaf here.

The best part, no one in the fake school seems to know who Mr. Ron Carey is. Maybe he is the invisible director that directs from his mind and soul than actual presence. How lovely.

Here is the info for MAC who pulled in almost $20 million of public funds and if you scroll down – you can see Mr. Ron Carey’s salary for doing an invisible job at the fake MAC school.

Above words do not reflect any agency, committee or agency.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate