SRP Sub-Committee of IACC Meets

The Services, Research and Policy which is a sub committee under IACC (Federal Autism Committee) met today. As you know,

50 Years Later – Where is the Progress? Shall we wait another 50 for it?

Fifty years ago in 1963, an immensely talented African American man uttered words that would change American history. Let freedom

What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander, right? Not so fast

As many know by now Abdi Warsame has won the MN DFL caucus to be the next city council member

Sen Franken in the HELP Committee – A waste or Not?

As many remember Senator Franken who was a comedian and a Hollywood darling won the senate seat with ONLY 312

The Sandra Fluke Theory and Autism

Remember when the committee on Oversight and Government Reform decided to talk about women and health care, but they forgot

Parent’s gut VS Mainstream Doctors in Autism

As moms, we all have these gut feelings of when something is wrong with our children. We usually get this

What is Autism Disparity?

We often hear the word disparity associated with people of color in education, health, economic opportunities, etc. And, I have

I Could Not have been More Proud of My President – Today

The leader of the free world, The President of the most powerful country on earth and My President said today

How Media Shapes The Narrative of the Message Including Autism

To shape the narrative of any message is important to shaping any policy including autism. What the heck does that

Hogging The Resources Yet No Progress

Remember – when big wall street banks were too big to fail even though they mis-managed their resources. And, the