Dear Minneapolis District 60B – Choose Abdimalik Askar Over Mohamud Noor – Vote For Better Policy Not Tribe

Alright, so if you follow local politics then you heard early voting for Minnesota primary started last week. And, hundreds

Disney Sued For Possible Violation Of Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)

Alright, so who does not love Disney. No one right with all the fun rides and themes. Unfortunately, for children

U.S HHS Sec Sebelius Final Action For Autism and IACC

Alright, so we all know by now Sec Sebelius resigned from her post from U.S Health & Human Services. But

African American Journalist – Roland Martin Tells DFLers The Truth About Their Racial Inequalities Everywhere – I Love it!

Alright, so how exactly does this relate to autism. Well, it does because those same elected officials who refuse to

MN State Medicaid Agency (DHS) Releases 1915i Autism Benefit for Public Comment

Alright, so this is probably one of my proudest accomplishments. And, while I don’t want to brag or anything but

MN Speaker Thissen Not Speaking For All Minnesotans – Let’s Vote Him Out in 2014

Alright, so Speaker of Minnesota House of Representatives – Rep Paul Thissen is a lot of things, but stupid is

Ka Joog – Ka Jooga Dhaqan Xumada – Really

Alright, so – today was the celebration of the independence of Somalia (Soomaaliya). To give a brief history of Somalia

Franken & Dayton Lead in Minnesota New Poll – Dissatisfied Minnesota Minorities Can Change That and Vote Them OUT

A recent poll stated Dayton and Franken have a slight and hopefully a shrinking lead. This means they are completely

CARA Changed to Autism CARES Act in Congress and Moves Along

Alright, so Combating Autism Reauthorization Act introduced initially in Congress 2006 and reauthorized in 2011 and introduced again by Congressman

Minority Owned ABA Centers Needed Plus Encouraging Minorities to Become ASD Therapists

Imagine if we owned the centers and therapy clinics we take our kids to? Let’s explain first what ABA is