Explaining Dr. Eric Larsson to the Somali Community

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Alright – so, Dr. Eric Larsson is arguably the reason we have EIDBI in Minnesota, and not in a good way. Here is a brief history of who this bastard is:

  1. He is a racist shithead who never took so many Somali autism children and discharged fast and abruptly the ones he took.
  2. He is jealous of the Somali community’s quick learning skills and adapting to the environment.
  3. He is jealous of the many Somali autism centers in Minnesota because he thinks they are taking money from his pockets.
  4. He campaigned, testified, and lobbied against medical assistance covering ABA which is what later became EIDBI.
  5. He is good at using Somalis against each-other. Divide and conquer is his to go to.
  6. He is a thief who stole Medicaid funds to the tune of $2,862,769.00. Imagine if a Somali stole this much. It would be world news.
  7. He is a grass snake who is constantly looking for his next autism family victim.
  8. He manipulates DHS, especially EIDBI staff.
  9. He will divide a brother from a sister if it benefits him. He will take milk from a baby for his bloated ego.
  10. He will lie to everyone about everything – that is his DNA. He stole employees from Minn Autism Center who helped him so much at the beginning, and they sued him and won. The fact that MAC CEO talks to him now makes me nauseous. Larsson met in a coffee shop with his employer’s staff (MAC) and solicited them to come with him to a new agency he wanted to start (Lovaas). In other words, not only does he steal millions in Medicaid but he is ungrateful SOB who will steal anything and anyone. Imagine if a Somali has done this.
  11. My advice to the Somali community especially the autism and maybe the museum is again – qofkii walaalkii loo xiiroow – adna soo qoyso. Larsson is using you to his benefit. He has a cold heart and a colder soul. He is useless to the unth power.

If you are a Somali or even other Black and Brown person and you are thinking he is harmless. Think again. Learn his history in autism and Minnesota first then judge him. Do not believe a word that comes out of his yuk mouth. It is full of worms.

Qofkii walaalkiis loo xiroo, adna soo qoyso.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate