Alright, so without a quorum – new chair was elected after nominating herself. Abbie Herzog represents MN department of economic development (the agency in charge of employment and could not name one person with autism from Somalia they helped with a job). And probably responsible for Minneapolis having the worst (that is right) unemployment rate for African Americans in the country. Imagine that – maybe DEED should concentrate on their job more and a little less in removing or controlling autism parents opinions.
Remember when Rep Norton (the queen of autism disparity) stated MN Statue 15.059 applies to MN ASD TF and it did not according to so many folks from both the Senate and House. Basically, Norton just wants to remove members that disagree with her failed autism policies. How convenient.
Anyway, after repeatedly stating such statue does NOT apply here, current chair ignores facts and posts publicly some out of this world operating procedures. Remember how painful & uncomfortable it was to watch the wedding of Liza Minneli and David Gest. Well, watching and reading these new rules might just take the cake here. Read that post here:
I mean it has so many wild rules such as the previous chair who resigned because I bothered him with little things like equality and sharing the federal resources from CAA that I advocated for in Congress will come back as chair if the current chair is absent. It is like asking Susan Rice to fill in for John Kerry or Lois Lerner being asked for advice on the website. It is that stupid. Shouldn’t folks that resigned or left be left alone. Apparently that does not matter in hillbilly land.
I wonder if Michael Moore can do a movie out of this. Also, notice there were no meeting minutes posted for months now for a public committee so that the public can see.
In addition, they can cancel meetings at anytime, but if god forbid members can’t come – they are punished or removed. The new dictator – sorry the new chair can set meetings for days that are impossible for many to come without any regard to others schedule.
My fav is please don’t talk about a public committee’s public recommendations or views. Now what now? Or please don’t talk to any media about any public elected officials public policies. Now what now?
Oh, yeah let’s not talk about Rep. Norton’s failed public policies for autism for the past four years against low income and minority autism families. See my prev post about that here:
Not only will we connect those failed policies to Rep Norton, but we will do our best to defeat her next election. Norton does not in any shape, form or manner represent her poorest constituents in Rochester, MN. She has thrown them under the bus, over the 35W bridge and into the highway so many times than we can count. See her kitchen sink amendment last session & vote her out.
Remember Norton’s bias Amendment A71 in Health and Human services house bill in session 2013 that said children with autism that have medical assistance or Medicaid can only have autism therapy up to age 7 or two years if they are diagnosed after. And, by the same token, Norton wanted children of upper/middle income to get autism therapy up to age 18. That is right – a clear double standard and deliberate discrimination for two American children getting two unequal access to care both being paid by the same funder, yet so unfair. And, we are suppose to be quite about that. Are you kidding me. I am determined to help whoever runs against Norton even if it is a Manikin. We all should, especially the Somali community that is struggling with autism and lives in Rochester.
Anyway, this ASD TF is now becoming a joke and waste of time for many members including this writer. There has been several meetings wasted on meaningless and silly rules that do not apply. Imagine if those times were spent on actual work of addressing autism in Minnesota – how much would be accomplished. My IACC fellow member wrote a recent blog about how he no longer reads or follows specific autism advocates because it has deteriorated to a level of garbage. I really feel the same about MN ASD TF’s silly rules that have no basis and no leg to stand on.
It reminds me of a mismatched mix of arrogance, ignorance and a hint of smile. The end result is still useless.
The only good thing now is the bias and subjective mediators are done with their divisive and side taking so called work. No one can force members for what is not on the actual bill that passed and this has been all a waste of everyone’s time.
Here is my advice, if we un-elect horrible policy makers like Rep. Norton and Sen. Eaton then things like this won’t happen or will be a lot less and a lot less headache.
Hadaad Somali tahay oo aad Rochester ama Brooklyn Center dagan tahay – fadlan mar danbe ha u codaynin Rep Norton iyo Sen Eaton. Iyaga ayaa u sabab ah in caruurteena ay heli waayaan maclumaadka ay u baahan yahiin ee ku saabsan autismka.
Above words are of-course my opinion and views and do not represent any committee.
Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate