Congresswoman Angie Craig Fails Minnesota Miserably including Autism Families

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Alright – so, Rep Craig sadly won again in the last election, though not by a lot; only a mere couple of percentages and just a few thousand votes. Yep, this should tell you that people in the 2nd district which includes lots and lots of minorities did not vote for her including me. She has refused and neglected to address this district’s needs and concerns. She has refused to hire (other than powerless community outreach, liaison, etc) folks who represent this thriving and diverse district.

Most of all, she has neglected to speak and help autism families; even though she is an autism parent. How do you like them apples?

As we all know, Minnesota and nationwide – school districts protect teachers and their unions over children and families. We also know that special education has never been fully funded by Congress to what it promised. Nevertheless, Rep. Craig gave this issue a deaf ear and a blind eye. If you look at her legislative record; it will make you wonder what the heck she has been doing. A toddler could have done more work. On the surface, she appears genuine, but internally she is as cold as Minnesota ice and as clueless as Rose from the Golden Girls show. She often holds as though that is something to brag about, these useless town-hall meetings but she never takes her constituents’ concerns to Congress, nor address them.

Her opponent from last year had a lot of good ideas, but as I have said before a DFL’er can sell water to a drowning minority person whereas a GOP could not sell a life jacket to a drowning minority voter. As a result, we have her in office now; hopefully only until the next election. I hope her opponent next time, realizes what makes America fantastic is its ability to give everyone the same opportunity and level the playing field. America is amazing because of its diversity, its colorful colors, its inclusiveness, and most of all its welcoming demeanor. That is how you can win an election; welcome all and include all, not just with words which is what Craig does, but with tangible action which she has failed miserably and purposefully.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom