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Comments Off on Dr. Offit – The Profit Doctor and Menace to Autism Families

Alright – so if you read or follow national autism news or blogs then you have heard of Dr. Paul Offit. Or as I like to call him the profit doctor and a menace to so many autism parents. 

Honestly, I just don’t see what CDC sees in him. I personally like and respect CDC autism leadership and just can’t understand their relationship with Offit. The things that come out of his mouth are truly cruel and disturbing. He tells parents that have done alternative and biomedical autism treatments – we are quacks. He has written more books than I care to list here. From false hope to looking for a delusional cure for autism. In fact, at IACC’s last meeting, a sub-group to look into alternative and biomedical autism treatment so that more research is done on this was formed. Dr. Offit can learn a thing or two from Dr. Insel who I like to refer to as the calm and reasonable doctor who regardless of how frustrated autism parents get with him seems to find a calm and reasonable way to address their concerns. 
My least favorite Dr. Offit book is do you believe in magic. My answer to Dr. Offit – You damn skippy I believe in magic for my son with autism. What parent whose child has a medical condition does not believe in magic, a cure and a recovery even if it does not exist at the time? To have faith is to believe in magic and good health. 
Seriously, think about that. Any parent that takes their child for any medical condition to a doctor and autism is no different believes in the magic of medical science. The difference is most parents get the hope that their child will get better if they do 1,2,3 steps and take 1.2,3 medicine or therapy. For autism, we are told – yes autism is a medical condition, but we don’t have a cause, a cure, not sure which therapy will work for sure – have a nice day. Imagine that for a minute. Oh, and if you are a minority – try ABA therapy – but long wait list, immature discharge and crappy therapist await you – but really have a nice day. 
This is our reality as autism parents and as you know worse for minority autism families. 
Then comes Dr. Proffit – sorry meant Offit and he writes book after book after book telling us to not believe in magic, hope, autism is a born medical condition (oh please) if that was the case -where are the adult nonverbal Somalis born with autism in Somalia. Never mind your child was talking, eating regular foods, crossing the street safely, sleeping and all of that lost magically, but don’t you dare believe in magic. This guy drives me nuts. 
Personally – I have no respect for anyone whose children are healthy who takes a cheap shot at struggling autism parents who probably have not slept eight hours straight for more than two nights including me for years. Really the audacity of him to insult and belittle those whose shoes he never walked on is beyond belief. 
Therefore, I support Autism Action Network’s latest post in asking the following;
To call Offit’s bosses and ask them to tell Offit to stop making things up and being stupid. (ok I added the stupid part). 
Amy Gutman, President – University of Pennsylvania, 215-898-7221
Steven M. Altschuler, MD, CEO, Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania 267-426-6143
Please share this with friends and family – it is time for Dr. Offit to have some compassion for autism families and stop speaking out of horse’s you know what. If research does not exist for alternative treatments, then let’s do some and not ridicule desperate autism parents. It is the medical professional’s responsibility to find answers and not dismiss families. 
As usual, above words do not represent any agency, candidate or committee.
Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But Can You Make Him Drink It?

We (Somali Autism Parents) started autism advocacy and awareness years ago, as far back as 2008. And we have led many horses to water. We are very proud of our accomplishments.

We have asked, begged and sometimes demanded many school districts, counties, UMN and state agencies to hire and train people from our community so that our kids can get professionals that reflect them. It was not always easy, in fact – often it was very difficult to convince others the need and the urgency. We spent many hours, days and even years to plan strategically with often raw emotional human data. 
We have not always succeeded and still have so much more to go, but we are very grateful to many leadership folks in many areas for hiring, training, funding and so much more. We also hope that those we worked so hard to be hired and positions created remember why they are there and who they are there for. In other words, we led many horses to water of opportunities and we hope they drink it and give back to Somali Autism families, children and community. 
Below is the a list of places that now have Somali staff for autism as a result of our advocacy:
Minnesota Department of Health hired two Somalis to help with Autism. 
Minnesota Department of Human Services hired one Somali to help with Autism. In additions, DHS created a team of folks led by Anne H for Autism. It is worth noting, when I started with DHS with previous Gov Pawlenty administration, there was zero person or staff for autism at DHS. In fact, autism was housed at mental health, health care and disability. DHS was confused and overwhelmed by autism. Now, I am so proud of their accomplishments and how far they have come. Awesome job started by Edwall & Sulik and continued by Jesson, Barry, Colman and Alex!!!
This probably is our biggest accomplishment because DHS (state Medicaid agency) oversees many autism providers and therapy clinics. Now our parents have someone to help them through the very complex and confusing DHS system. This will also help with training autism providers with culturally and linguistically appropriate services so that no more minority autism child or family is discriminated or put on an endless wait-list since early intervention is the key to better outcome. 
Arc hired one Somali to help with Somali autism.
Hennepin County hired two Somali social workers in adult disability area. And, I must say Henn county was the hardest of all to advocate. They are soooooo resistant to any change or equity which is very sad because they have the highest minority autism families in Minnesota. 
Ramsey County hired One Somali social DD worker to help with autism. Ramsey also promoted a Somali social worker to a mainstream planner. Think about this for a minute, Ramsey made a good history of not just hiring minorities to outreach, to talk to us, etc – but hired her on the content of character and expertise for a mainstream position. How amazing is that!! I am so grateful to Robert, Meghan, Andrea and Dawn over there. They are authentic and sincere. 
UMN ICI (University of Minnesota – Institute on Community Integration) department hired one Somali and has admitted over 10 Somalis into their LEND fellowship program who hopefully will become social workers, speech therapist and policy advisers. Thanks to Denise & Wendy at HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) for this. HRSA is the Federal agency that funds the LEND programs. Yes, sometimes – most of the time actually – we had to go to the Federal government to tilt a small needle of equity in Minnesota. 
Many school districts too long to list have also hired Somalis to help with autism – check with your local school district for Somali staff in their autism program.
Again, what does this all mean? Well – it means many of us parents worked hard and relentlessly for many Somalis to be in a position to help our autism community. All we can hope now is they remember that, help all autism families, have compassion and passion for all kids and adults with autism in MN and beyond. It means the burden and responsibility is now in your shoulders of assuring kids get screened, diagnosed and receive intervention early and on time. We hope you take your position and its responsibilities very seriously by helping our families bridge the gap of diagnoses and intervention. It also means at least for me that I am done asking (ok harassing) anymore agency, county or school district to hire those that reflect our community. I think the seeds have started and hopefully others can just apply on their own and be interested in becoming an autism therapist or professional. 
We led you all to water, we now hope you drink it with compassion, gratefulness and eagerness. Finally, I would like to recognize and thank all of the Somali autism parents and community leaders behind the scenes who had a big hand in this – Hodan, Istahil, A/Hakin, Nuur, Cascase, Jama, Farah, A/Wali, Kaltun, Deqo, A/Qadir K, A/Qadir D, Dr. Fahia, M.Jibrell, A/Salaan Caato, A/Saaq, Halimo, A/Rahman, Hussein, Said, & Safia. I hope I listed the original group and did not forget anyone. Thanks all very much!
Above words do not represent any agency, candidate or committee.
Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on Federal Autism Committee IACC Meeting Agenda April 8th, 2014

IACC Full Committee Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern

National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive
Building 31, C Wing, 6th Floor, Conference Room 10
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Map and Directions

On-site registration is from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern for members of the public attending in person, and the meeting will also be available to the public by live videocast and conference call. The materials for the meeting can be found here.

Time Event
  9:00 a.m. Welcome, Introductions, Roll Call and Approval of MinutesThomas Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Chair, IACC

Susan Daniels, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC), NIMH
Executive Secretary, IACC

  9:15 Science UpdateThomas Insel, M.D.
Director, NIMH
Chair, IACC
  9:30 CDC Prevalence Jon Baio, Ed.S.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
 10:00 Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! Linda Smith
Deputy Assistant Secretary and Inter-Departmental Liaison
Early Childhood Development
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
 10:15 Break
 10:30 The BRAIN InitiativeStory Landis, Ph.D.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
 10:50 Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), Autism Research Program (ARP)Donna Kimbark, Ph.D.
Program Manager, Autism Research Program, Congressionally Directed
Medical Research Programs
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
 11:20 National Database for Autism ResearchGregory K. Farber, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Technology Development and Coordination
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
 11:40 Teaching a Neurodiversity CourseJohn Elder Robison
Self Advocate, Parent, Author
Neurodiversity Scholar in Residence
College of William & Mary
 12:00 p.m. Lunch
  1:00 Public Comment
  1:45 Discussion of Public Comment
  2:00 Services Research for Autism Spectrum Disorder across the Lifespan (ServASD)Denise Juliano-Bult, M.S.W.
Program Chief, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
  2:15 Autism Policy Update

Stuart Spielman, Esq.
Senior Policy Advisor and Counsel
Autism Speaks
  2:30 Committee Business Thomas Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Chair, IACC

Susan Daniels, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC), NIMH
Executive Secretary, IACC

  3:30 Break
  3:45 Committee Business – continued
  4:00 Round Robin
  5:00 Adjournment

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on Federal Autism Committee IACC Agenda April 8th 2014

IACC Full Committee Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern

National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive
Building 31, C Wing, 6th Floor, Conference Room 10
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Map and Directions

On-site registration is from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern for members of the public attending in person, and the meeting will also be available to the public by live videocast and conference call. The materials for the meeting can be found here.

Time Event
  9:00 a.m. Welcome, Introductions, Roll Call and Approval of Minutes

Thomas Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Chair, IACC

Susan Daniels, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC), NIMH
Executive Secretary, IACC

  9:15 Science Update

Thomas Insel, M.D.
Director, NIMH
Chair, IACC

  9:30 CDC Prevalence 

Jon Baio, Ed.S.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

 10:00 Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! 

Linda Smith
Deputy Assistant Secretary and Inter-Departmental Liaison
Early Childhood Development
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

 10:15 Break
 10:30 The BRAIN Initiative

Story Landis, Ph.D.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

 10:50 Con
gressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), Autism Research Program (ARP)

Donna Kimbark, Ph.D.
Program Manager, Autism Research Program, Congressionally Directed
Medical Research Programs
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)

 11:20 National Database for Autism Research

Gregory K. Farber, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Technology Development and Coordination
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

 11:40 Teaching a Neurodiversity Course

John Elder Robison
Self Advocate, Parent, Author
Neurodiversity Scholar in Residence
College of William & Mary

 12:00 p.m. Lunch
  1:00 Public Comment
  1:45 Discussion of Public Comment
  2:00 Services Research for Autism Spectrum Disorder across the Lifespan (ServASD)

Denise Juliano-Bult, M.S.W.
Program Chief, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

  2:15 Autism Policy Update

Stuart Spielman, Esq.
Senior Policy Advisor and Counsel
Autism Speaks
  2:30 Committee Business 

Thomas Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Chair, IACC

Susan Daniels, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC), NIMH
Executive Secretary, IACC

  3:30 Break
  3:45 Committee Business – continued
  4:00 Round Robin
  5:00 Adjournment

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on April 2nd, 2014 Somali Autism Day Event is a Big Success

Today was World Autism Awareness Day which as you know was started by Autism parents at the United Nations, Jacqueline Aidenbaum and her husband. It was designated by UN resolution 62/139 and is recognized by most countries around the globe.

Somali Autism Awareness Day started by Mariam Egal who if you have not met her and I describe it – you might end up with a cavity. Ms. Egal is truly the daylight for our autism community. She works harder than anyone I have ever met, she energizes tired parents and motivates us beyond words can express.

We held this event today in New Brighton and it was an amazing event even better than last year. There are many people to thank and I would like to take the time and thank them individually for their time and support.

Huge Thanks to Jacob Frey – Minneapolis City Council. If you are an old school like me and knew Sen Wellsone – I would say Jacob comes very close. Usually politicians preach and talk, Jacob listens then takes action. He treats everyone with respect irrespective of their anything. Jacob told us he can and will support Somali Autism families. He is the real deal.

Huge Thanks to our own Minneapolis City Council – Abdi Warsame. There is no feeling like listening to a policy maker that looks like you. I get one of those Oprah’s aha moments when I listen to Warsame. He can speak about our issues like no other. Warsame stated his door and office are always open and welcoming. We look forward to working with him for many years to come.

Huge Thanks to Jeff Johnson – Hennepin County Commissioner and Candidate for Minnesota Governor. Jeff said his administration will look into autism research and better services for all autistic individuals and their families. Here is his for governor website, take a read as Jeff has lots of great ideas in many areas.

Huge Thanks to Abdirahman Muse policy adviser for Mayor of Minneapolis Betsy Hodges. Abdirahman told us Mayor Hodges understands autism struggles and will keep her campaign promise to support Somali autism community. We look forward to working with her and address many gaps.

Huge Thanks to Elia B, assistant commissioner from Minnesota Department of Education. What can I say about Elia other than she is simply fantastic. I remember the first time I met Elia at her office, I was so mad at MDE and their autism outreach in our community and in general in communities of color. Then Elia gave me few video tapes and I told her I was not interested in tapes and wanted real outreach. Your usual government official usually would get mad. But sweet Elia very nicely said – what do you think MDE can do. Well – then I opened my mouth and haven’t stopped ever since, maybe she now regrets that question. But all kidding aside, MDE has done a very well attended Somali Autism outreach with many school districts, We have interviewed Commissioner Cassellius several times on Somali media and MDE recognizes the need to outreach in minority communities and share the resources with minority based agencies. I am very thankful to Elia and Cassellius more than I can say.

Huge Thanks to Dan Severson – Dan is one of my favorite Minnesotans. What you see is what you get – there is no hidden agenda or politician tricks to get your vote then drop your issues. If Dan promises you something, he will deliver or bring someone who will deliver it. I am very glad I know Dan and know that he will make a fantastic Minnesota Secretary of State, God Willing.

Huge Thanks to Ann Fox, Director of Special Education from Mpls School district. I personally owe Ann so much. She is the person that gave me the first raw numbers of how many autism kids in Mpls school district and how many of them are Somalis. That data started this whole awareness and Ann has been an ally, a friend and a strong advocate in our corner ever since then.

Huge Thanks to Anne Harrington – Anne is the heart of our advocacy. She makes sense of our insane demands. She has been the wind beneath our wings for years. Anne did the first Somali autism parent together in 2008 and invited me. From that day, Anne has been my rock and my confidant. I am eternally grateful to her ever calming advice and support.

Huge Thanks to Commissioner of Minnesota Department of Health Dr. Ehlinger who told us to unite and be at the table of decision making. The Health department is also going to do a Somali Autism conference this month and has hired two Somalis to help with autism issues. We are thankful to the Commissioner for that.

Huge Thanks to Rep Abeler and Candidate for US Senate in 2014. Abeler says what he means and means what he says. He has funded the Somali/Latino/Hmong Autism Study just released last week by UMN, MDH, CSCM and Others. He does things that no one else wants to do. He will fight for his constituents. I remember back in 2010, Abeler veoted a bill in MN House that would have created unequal access to autism therapy between the low income and the upper income families. He pushed DHS to provide autism ABA therapy equally and include low income managed care kids which resulted the new MA Autism therapy policy passed last year in state legislature. And, he has been the constant voice of reason ever since then for our community and autism.

Huge Thanks to Mohamed Shino from BBC Somali Radio in U.K for always telling our story with autism and sharing our pain and frustrations. Many of the parents he interviewed blame environmental factors for their children’s autism. Sadly, our health dept is not interested in looking into that. Of course, this only increases the mistrust between Somali autism parents and Minn dept of health.

Huge Thanks to Abdisalam Adam from St. Paul School District, Dr Reiff, Dr Donna M from UMN, Arc Greater Twin Cities, UMN ICI dept, Mohamed from SAPA, CSCM, Abdirahman Adem from Mpls school district, Hassan Samantar from Pacer, Anab Gulaid from UMN, Nasro Mohamed from Ramsey County, Antonia Wilcoxon from DHS, Jim Bransford from CSCM, Jibril & Salah from KFAI Somali Radio.

Finally, my biggest THANKS goes to Somali Autism Parents. You are my hero, your children are like my son. Our kids are the reason – I advocate despite the many obstacles and resistance I get from many Capitol policy makers. I know I speak for all of you and get my energy, wisdom and encouragement from all of you. This is about our children, our community and our life. May God Bless You All and May God Give Our Children Good Health and Happiness.

President Obama’s World Autism Day Proclamation. And, if you remember President Obama announced Brain Initiative Research on April 2nd, 2013 World Autism Awareness Day to the tune of one hundred million dollars added to his 2014 budget. Congressman Cantor stated he will support this effort which we very grateful for. I know this research efforts from both government & private institutions will lead to unlock the mystery of autism which is a neuro-developmental brain disorder.

You can watch our event here: and watch part two here:

Mpls City Council Abdi Warsame’s World Autism Day Statement.

Autism Society of America World Autism Day Statement.

United Nation’s Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s Statement.

Above words do not reflect any agency, committee or candidate.


Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on Many MN DFLers To MN Minorities – Contain or Eliminate, Pick One

If you read this blog then you know, I grew up in the East Coast and was a Tip O’Neill/Dukakis/Ferraro hard core DFL that is until I met the likes of Rep Liebling, Norton, Rep Michael Nelson, Sen Eaton, Sen Clausen, Sen Cohen, Sen Franken, Gov Dayton and so many others like them in Minnesota after I became an autism advocate in 2010. Seriously, I get hives from their lack of tangible minority community based policies.

These politicians give a bad name to the party of Sen Ted Kennedy and Sen Wellstone – they either want to contain minority issues and concerns or eliminate them. For example, MN DFL Chair, Mr Martin who is so savvy with his words and can sell water to a drowning minority Minnesotan always comes to our community preaching his party is for equality, fairness and sharing resources with communities of color. And, that we should hold them accountable.

The problem is when you hold them accountable to their votes, policies or lack thereof – they try to contain or eliminate. In the area of autism and Somali community, the last study was done by Gov Pawlenty and his health administration. The last Somali, Latino and Hmong study funded was by Sen Hann, Senjem, Rep Gottwalt, Lohmer, Mack, Gruenhagen, and Rep Abeler all R’s. The initial letters and help for our Federal advocacy came from Congressman Kline, Paulsen, Sen Coleman and Bachmann, all R’s.

By the same token, so many bias and prejudice legislations have been introduced by Norton, Eaton, Clausen, Cohen, Huntley that take resources away from the poor, low income and minority autism families and give it to the already buttered middle/upper income autism families. In addition, current MDH Commissioner has refused to do any autism research and Gov Dayton just ignores all Somali autism problems. Don’t waste your next vote on Franken, Dayton, Norton, Eaton, or Liebling – please I beg you. Also, did you know that Sen Cohen is the Chair for Senate Finance Committee where all bills that have a fiscal note go through is also a board member of the struggling Confederation Somali Community of Minnesota. If this was not all sadly true, it would’ve made a Comedy Central – John Stewart funny sketch or a Loren Michael SNL monologue, maybe Franken can use it when we send him back to SNL this year, God Willing.

In other words, the party that so many Minority Minnesotans vote for and put in a position of power contain our issues to limited and useless areas such as creating more diversity task forces that only has minorities and eliminate mainstream autism committees if it has minority voices, especially if we God forbid disagree with their policies.

Think about that for a minute as this is an election year and they don’t win by landslide votes – rather couple of hundred votes in many districts to several thousand votes statewide. Then, ask yourself if you are a Somali, Hmong, Latino, African American, or any other minority – why should you vote for politicians that ignore, belittle and dismiss your communities through containment or elimination.

Another good example of containment or elimination in addition to Somali autism is all of the legislations recommended by the Council of Black Minnesotans that have more DLF authors than a kid in a candy store, yet none of them seem to have moved beyond meaningless, photo op hearings. For instance, SF 2730 authored by Sen Eaton if you can believe it – I wonder if her left hand knows what her right hand is doing. On one side she wants to eliminate and silence minority autism families, on the other hand she pretends to care and authors the human rights bill. Then, she says there is no money and it is too late, blah & blah. How come she was able to push SF 314 last year which wanted …..get this over $25 million from HHS budget to give it to upper/middle income autism families. But, she can’t find funds or resources for Minnesota department of human rights to assure state agencies are actually hiring fairly and equally and following equal employment laws. Oh please, we are a lot of things in minority-ville, stupid is not one of them. Sen Eaton is not interested in equality or fairness, just look at the bills she pushes. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Anyway, SF 2730 when approved can be the cornerstone and the foundation to assure all state agencies, especially DHS, MDH, MDE, DEED and others hire and recruit employees and leadership from communities of color. There are hardly any – zero person of color that represents MDH and DHS in state legislature, yet these agencies are in charge of low income families health. They usually hire 20 or 30+ Caucasian women who has never even been on foot in south or north Minneapolis yet is arrogant enough to think she can speak for us.

Therefore, to MN DFLers – at least those mentioned above, we reject your failed policies & your failed hiring practices, and we will get smarter and not keep circling D’s in voting ballots. We will have different choices including nurturing our own such as Abdi Warsame and Mohamud Noor to take you out in ward
by ward, then district by district to even higher offices across the state. It is possible in case you are thinking of underestimating our voting power.

Above words do not represent any committee, candidate or agency.


Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on Sen Eaton of District 40 Enhances Minnesota’s Institutional Racism in Mental Health

Alright, first – let’s explain to those that are not minority what institutional racism is and how it works. For those that are minorities in Minnesota – you are living in it, even if you don’t realize it.

According to Urban DictionaryInstitutionalized Racism is the process of purposely discriminating against certain groups of people through the use of biased laws or practices. Often, institutionalized racism is subtle and manifests itself in seemingly innocuous ways, but its effects are anything but subtle. Institutional racism as it was originally introduced by Black Power activists can also mean inequality based on race through social, economical and political bias policies.

Therefore, Institutional Racism creates health disparity, education gap, etc. We know that Minnesota has horrible records in everything for minorities – hopefully we are not asking Jack or Jill for any proof.

Sen Eaton who represents a large minority in her district had a bill today in health and human services finance committee SF 1684 that wants to provide better mental illness treatments and prevention. As I sat there listening to her, then to NAMI representative talk about the need then came a caucasian mom who talked about her 29 year old son who went through many mental illness episodes and how the police and mental health community intervened and how well he is doing now.

As one of very few Blacks in these too White health committees, I could not help but testify even though it is not an area I know or even understand too well. But how do you sit through that and not imagine if that 29 year old was an African American man with a mental illness would have been shot by the same police who saved the Caucasian patient or ended up in the criminal system if he had the same violent mental crises.

Yet, Sen Eaton again neglected to even engage and get input from her minority voters, from any other communities of color including Somalis who unfortunately are suffering with a troubling rise of mental health crises. This kind of out of touch, arrogant, dismissing and belittling the needs of communities of color is what creates unequal access which then creates Institutional Racism. Policy makers like Sen Eaton who also wants to dismantle the state autism task force in light of yesterday’s new CDC autism numbers that have increased 30% nationwide has done it again, and enhanced Institutional Racism by writing policies that would affect communities of color without their input or engagement.

In other words, if SF 1864 passes in its current language, there will be no culturally responsive training, treatment or prevention for the 29 year old Black or Latino man who has a mental illness. He will most likely end up dead or arrested. I really hope another Senator adds more inclusive language that assures treatment and prevention is culturally and linguistically appropriate so that irrespective of your race or ethnicity – your mental health condition is treated equally. Imagine if Sen Eaton walked on the ground and actually visited Hennepin County mental illness center where there are many Somalis and other minorities suffering with mental illness, or read this report, then wrote her legislation in a more inclusive and kind way. Instead, Sen Eaton chose again to dismiss and disregard the needs of her minority constituents.

I hope my fellow Somalis and other minorities think about that as we go the polls again this year because unless we clean the seeds – we will never get fruits that are beneficial to our communities. In order to get good fruits, you must plant great seeds and eliminate bad ones like Sen Eaton by voting her out so that she never has the opportunity to create or enhance Institutional Racism through bias and prejudice policies.

Below are some books that I would recommend many MN DFLers to read because so many of them seem to think health disparity or education creates itself. It does not – it was created and is maintained by your bad, failed and belittling policies. Why should we vote for you, if your policies don’t address our concerns?

Here is the language of this bill SF 1864 and notice diversity or cultural responsive is not required:

Racism Without Racists by Author Eduardo Bonilla-Silva:

White Privilege Explained by Tim Wise – Maybe he can educate MN DFLers:

And, if you are still under the delusion that institutional racism does not exist, then read Here:

Or Here: Now the difference between back then and now is, back then they did it to your face and prayed on our lack of knowledge and understanding of what the racists were doing. Today, they do it through bills and legislations, and they still pray on our lack of knowledge and understanding of the legislative system. For example, if you go to any health and human services committee in Minnesota capitol and the room is full, yet no person of color is there. Just look at how there is no Black policy adviser for health or education for Gov Dayton of Minn, Senate Majority leader Bakk, MN House Speaker Thissen or Asst Majority Murphy. In other words, keep us out of the loop and create bias policies that hinder and neglect our health. 

The other difference between today and back then is TODAY – we have the voting power and right to kick them to the curve and elect folks that reflect us and will uplift our communities. 

Above words do not represent any committee, agency or candidate.


Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on CDC Releases New Numbers 1 in 68 Kids in US Have Autism 30% Jump From 1 in 88

Today was a busy day for Autism, CDC (Center For Disease Control) released new autism numbers through their eleven ADDM (Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring) system. The new ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) rates increased by about 30% from 1 in 88 to 1 in 68.

In other words, 1 in every 68 U.S children have a diagnoses of Autism based on records of eight year olds in eleven states using the ADDM method. New Jersey had the highest and Alabama had the lowest. Note – Minnesota does not have the ADDM surveillance system or even applied for it at CDC. Maybe they will this year since our Somali autism study that came out in December of 2013 used the ADDM method which now gives our state some experience in autism surveillance.

Right away, autism bloggers, news makers, public health officials and advocates stated their views ranging from better diagnoses to actual higher incidence cases to more awareness of autism now as being the reason for the new higher ASD numbers. Personally, I am not sure how I feel about this. I understand there is clearly more awareness, maybe even doctors are diagnosing more as a result of that awareness. I just wonder if that is the sole reason for the increase. If such is the case then where are all of the adults with autism especially those on the classic or severe end of the spectrum. Of course, we don’t have adult autism surveillance system since ADDM is only for children.

However, in our Somali community whereby majority of our children with autism are nonverbal, if autism existed and we just didn’t see it – where are the nonverbal adults. I have never seen a nonverbal Somali that is thirty or forty years old. Autism is not a medical condition that one could say – well maybe they died at birth or young. Therefore, we would have seen Somali adults born and raised in Somalia who are nonverbal. I just don’t see that.

I know – everyone has their take and everything autism is always controversial, exhausting and diverse. Nevertheless, I think there is a different factor for this increase that keeps only getting higher and higher. There has to be some genetic component when added to some environmental factor is triggering autism. Which gene and which environment is the million dollar question that lies heavy on autism researchers and parents alike.

Yes, I know there are those that will say – my child was just fine until I did xyz and that caused autism. I am not sure if it is that simple either. I mean think about it, the human brain is so complex, confusing and really not understood fully yet. To say it is only an outside environmental factor can not justify the increase.

I saw a lot of blogs that blamed the president and CDC today which I can totally understand. However, in his defense, I think President Obama’s Brain Initiative that the White House announced last year’s world autism day might be the best vehicle to get us closer to even narrowing of a cause. I think a cure of the symptoms and which therapies are best might be years away, if not decades.

One thing that I did not notice in today’s autism news and blogs from at least the Federal government and our MN state health department was a sense of panic and urgency. Autism was 1 in 10,000 not long ago in our lifetime and today it is 1 in 68. I think that calls panic and distress from state and federal public health folks. Unless they are waiting when it is 1 in 2. We need as a nation and as a state a holistic and tangible way to deal with and support autistic children, adults and families. And I really did not see that level of hitting the public health panic mode.

In fact, our governor or our state health department commissioner did not even blink at the new numbers. I think that is sad – their inability to assume business as usual when our lives are nothing but business as usual.

Below are some information on today’s news.

CDC Releases New Autism Numbers:

U.S Department launches new watch me thrive program:

ACF Blog:

And, our IACC Chair Dr. Insel & Director of NIMH did a wonderful and thoughtful Post on his Blog:

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Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on Commissioner Ehlinger Please “Fire” MDH Autism Department Head – Ms. Dalbec

I know why such harsh request – before you say blah and blah. Let’s just look at some history of how other autism moms and bloggers have always asked similar requests since the beginning of time for those in charge of autism in state and/or federal levels to be fired.

CDC director and most CDC autism folks have been at the receiving end of this. NIH and NIMH probably daily an autism parent or blogger is calling for their firing. Even Autism Speaks leadership is asked to fire someone or other including me which was Peter Bell.

Thank God – he quit or maybe got fired – who cares, he is gone now from being the director in charge of all family engagement and autism policies at Autism Speaks. There is even rumor Autism Speaks’s previous president Mark R whom I personally liked was canned.

Then there are those that disagree most folks at public committees including IACC, some even protested when I was nominated by Sec Sebelius saying I was a government puppet.

So, I totally get it and I can take it because autism is emotional, complex, confusing, diverse, full of disagreement and heartbreaking. It ain’t easy, but for those of us that are parents – we simply have no other choice but to walk in this heat.

Now, let’s go back to MDH (Minnesota Department of Health) and their department in charge of children with special health care needs which includes autism.

First, Ms. Dalbec does a horrible job in community outreach. She has not done any.

2nd, Ms. Dalbec is the person behind MDH refusing to share any resources for autism from HRSA autism grant in 2013 with minority based agencies.

3rd, After years of asking – MDH website and phone line still fails to meet the Federal CLAS guidelines (culturally and linguistically appropriate services) In other words, if you take Federal funds which MDH does then they should have a phone line and a section in their site for non speaking English folks. They don’t and Ms. Dalbec is totally clueless about this.

4th, More Somalis and others are afraid of immunizations and have made the connection to autism which means Ms. Dalbec has failed explaining it well and providing information on it.

5th, Ms. Dalbec apparently did not understand the difference between managed care and fee for service autism services. So, how can MDH really be in charge of explaining services if their leader herself does not understand simple policy.

6th, Ms Dalbec was behind the elimination of the state autism task force and was helping Norton to silence autism families. State agency folks should stay neutral and not interfere in legislation that dismantles parent power. Dalbec decided to break that trust.

7th, Ms. Dalbec has never held any workshop for Somali or minority autism families.

8th – well you get the point and that is too many problems for MDH to keep someone who clearly is not qualified, lacks empathy and knowledge.

Therefore, we ask that Commissioner of MDH hires someone for autism that cares and is always in the corner of autism families regardless of their color, race, ethnicity, religion, etc.  Ms. Dalbec is not the right person and this is not a job for a cold hearted person.


Above words do not represent any committee, agency or candidate

Idil – Somali Autism Mom and Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized

Comments Off on Sen Eaton Sneaks in SF 2892 To Eliminate Cost Free Parent Empowered Autism Task Force

Ahhhh, I have such a huge headache from so many MN DFL politicians and their autism failed policies towards minority communities.

Sen Eaton who represents District 40 and has the following statistics for minorities over 14,600 Black, 3,500 Asian, 2,300 Hispanic, plus other minorities and total of over 52% minorities has just sneaked SF 2892 as an amendment today into health policy omnibus that eliminates state autism task force. Imagine that and even though Eaton did not have a competitor in 2012 and her next election is 2016 – she is completely beatable by anyone.

Eaton has the largest West Africans in the state including Liberians which if you follow autism international research has a large number of autistic children. Yet, Sen Eaton as usual for many MN DFLer’s has refused to acknowledge their pain and frustrations with autism.

The saddest of all is – if you read the health policy omnibus – there are tons of bills that create advisory committees and councils including some where they removed any sunset dates. In other words, MN DFLer’s in the house and senate created more committees, councils, eliminated expiration dates – yet have managed to DISMANTLE the autism one – digest that for a minute. Their reason – well we argue about autism. Are you kidding me. Who the heck does not argue about autism including at the Federal autism advisory committee. The difference is in other autism autism committees – members disagree on issues and policy, yet are able to share a cab or lunch. In Minnesota, if you are a minority person and God forbid you disagree with a MN DFLer – you are rude, dysfunctional, quit or be eliminated. Why is that – I wonder. What makes when “they” talk about policy – a debate and when we do it, an argument? Why the hypocrisy and inferior expectations of Black folks here. Interesting – ain’t it. I remember back in 2010 health conference committee when now Speaker Thissen told now Lt Governor and back then Sen Solon to come down of her high horse and walk on the ground. Yet, after that heated argument – no one in that committee called them dysfunctional and asked that committee to be eliminated. So, again why when I, as an African American autism mom disagree with MN DFL autism policies – it is rude and dysfunctional

Interesting in George Wallace segregation kind of way.

Minnesota has the largest Somali Americans in the country, Autism is the highest in their children and the party they mostly vote for just eliminated the only state autism committee while they increased all of the other committees. Think about that for a minute and your wasted vote.

As one Somali American autism mom said to me today – “the only power we have is our ability to vote them out”. Another Somali autism parent said, “they might have won this battle, but we will win the autism war because it is our children, our future and our life”.

I feel defeated today, but I know I have to get up tomorrow – roll up my sleeve and keep fighting for my son with autism and the thousands of other children like him in Minnesota.

So, what can we do now as a community that is being affected by this devastating disorder?

Well – as they say, it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. And, we will fight til the end which is when Gov Dayton signs all of the bills that come out of conference committees. This means bills still have to go through the floors and other committees.

I and other Somali parents will be on Somali TV and Radio to tell our story and educate our community about our options and to watch those
that vote against us on floor votes and conference committees. We also need to watch what Gov Dayton who is up for re-election and won with less than 9000 votes in 2010 does. He has the power to tell house and senate leadership what he wants and what he does not want. And, since they are all in the same party – they usually listen. So far, Governor’s office is playing dumb even though they hired a Somali toddler to help us whom I am sure they will flash at Karmel
mall in Nov. Ain’t that always the case.

Stay tuned for more drama in MN DFL controlled house, senate and governor for NOW. God willing that will change in Nov 2014 because it is very hard up there for Somali autism community which means 1 in every 32 Somali families – that is a lot of us.

Here is an article on today’s MN DAILY about our pain with autism and the MN DFLer’s treatment towards us. This story by the way has been picked up by Hiiraan Online which is the largest Somali online news, Wacal Media Network, among others. We are always very grateful to our friends in both Somali and American media – you tell our heartbreaking story so eloquently.

Here is where Sen Eaton quietly sneaked her bias elimination of autism parent voices, Sad yet true.


Above words do not reflect any agency, committee or candidate

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

Category: Uncategorized