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Comments Off on EAA Update – Testified at MN Senate Human Services Reform Finance and Policy Committee

Alright – so, I also testified today at Sen. Abeler’s committee in MN State Senate. I sooo miss this committee. Anyway, my tiny little goal here is not much. It is simply DHS to train counties and empower them to ensure autism families and other individuals with disabilities understand what the heck EAA is, have choices, and are supported in a manner that is person-centered and cost-effective.

I do not think this is too much to ask. Akh, I miss Alex B at DHS. She would’ve fixed this and I probably would not even need to testify anywhere.

My favorite part of today’s testifiers – Kurt Rutzen; he is a disability advocate who brought us to tears. Then Rich N spoke, (what a small world) about mental health and law enforcement. I know rich well, he actually trained me on how to request public data. If it is about data laws, he is it.  He is part of an amazing group of people who are reporters and lawyers, my favorite people, seriously.

Minnesota State Senate

Human Services Reform Finance & Policy Committee

Chair – Sen. Abeler

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Re: Committee Omnibus bill, the policy bill is SF 4165

Dear Mr. Chair and Members,

Many thanks for the opportunity to testify today. I have missed this committee’s friendly faces. First, I want to thank Sen. Abeler again for helping us pass EIDBI benefit years ago. Because of your support, there are thousands of children with autism being served under the EIDBI benefit.

I am here today to ask you to keep your original goal of always ensuring there is broad stakeholder input in EIDBI which would include autism parents, families, advocates, and providers. Line 187.7 states “in a manner that is determined by the commissioner.” Is it possible to add (in collaboration with stakeholders)? This will ensure DHS is not deciding on EIDBI services without getting input from families and providers. It has already been frustrating and difficult at DHS without Alex B there. I hope we make sure autism families are at the table with DHS and not on the table.

EIDBI Background: I thank Abeler and Liebling for adding a background study to be done before staff have access to these vulnerable children last year. Sadly, again because Alex B is not there anymore, DHS has put our children in harm’s way. They have allowed staff to have access to these vulnerable children before their background study is completed. DHS is now using a new vendor who seems to not have enough time for appointments, is taking longer to process applications, and costs more. Please tell DHS to not put our kids at risk. The person’s background study must be cleared before they have access to the kids. What if (God Forbid) a child gets hurt? What then?

I heard this committee discussing comparable situations for childcare providers which I agreed with. No child should be put in harm’s way because DHS cannot seem to find a good vendor to complete fingerprinting on time.

Finally, I would like to raise awareness of an area that is under HCBS – Environmental Accessibility Adaptation (EAA) This is a waiver service for people with disabilities including autism. As our children get older, we want to ensure they are living in their homes and communities. Currently, there is no guidance from DHS for the counties. Essentially, we have 87 counties and 87 rules. The assessments and installation of home safety modifications have no check and balance. They can cost thousands with no oversight nor support from DHS just letting the vendor decide. Vendors charge whatever they want, some even send their invoices after the fact without the family’s input or even knowledge and the county just pays for it.

When I asked DHS if they can offer support to families, they said we can complain to the Better Business Bureau. I am sorry but what is BBB going to do about a publicly funded waiver program? Again, because there is no Alex B there, it is easier to pull your teeth without anesthesia than to have a reasonable conversation that ensures people with autism and other disabilities are supported by DHS.

I am hoping you can ask DHS about this and find a way to make this program one that is based on person-centered, quality work and is cost-effective.

I have attached what is on DHS’ website for the EAA, as you can see there is no set rate and no guidance from DHS.


Thanks so much as always!

Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate


The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Autism Mom & Advocate

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on Update on EAA advocacy – I testified before Scott County Commissioners Board today

Alright – so, this has become an issue that I would like to advocate for or even have those in power understand what families and people with autism and other disabilities go through. Essentially, we have 87 counties and 87 rules and policies. DHS has a hands-off approach and counties are simply winging it.

Below is my testimony. Oh, I forgot – the county commissioners gave me 5 minutes. Whoa, what – whole five minutes. That is enough time to read a novel. I am so used to the 2 minutes from the state legislature. On a non-related to EAA, I stayed and listened to the county board meeting; I loved their discussion, their compassion, and how they interacted with each other.

Scott County Commissioners Board Meeting

April 5, 2022

Re: Health and Human Services – Environmental Accessibility Adaptation

Dear Board Members, Good Morning:

My name is Idil Abdull; I am a Somali autism mom and advocate. First, I would like to thank again my county commissioner Barb Weckmann Brekke for always supporting my son who has autism.

I have a son with autism, and we have lived in Scott County for decades. I come before you today to raise awareness about environmental accessibility adaptation (EAA). This is under the state waiver system that supports people with disabilities where the funds flow through the counties.

As you know, we want all people with disabilities to live in their homes and communities. The EAA is supposed to support this effort and make the person’s environment modified for their safety, health, and well-being.

I have encountered some difficulties with EAA in Scott County as commissioner Barb can vouch for. I am asking for a system that gives the person with the disability choices but also ensures cost-effectiveness and support for the family.

My son needs home safety modifications and just the assessments alone as no installation has been done thus far is thousands of dollars. When I contacted the county leadership, I was met with resistance. They said I need to just deal with it because things are expensive now and that is the way this county does it. I respectfully disagree with that.

As an advocate, I have helped other families in other counties. For example, Hennepin County does not just pay for whatever invoice the EAA assessor sends. First, they ask for the rate and total hours needed to complete the whole project, then they approve or deny it if it is not cost-effective all while providing choice to the person/family.

In parallel, Scott County just pays the invoice from the EAA assessor without approval or even knowing their rate and their total hours. This cannot be good for the person with the disability, and I can’t imagine being helpful for the county.

I am asking that Scott County reviews EAA assessments and then approves pends, or denies them. I am also asking the county supports and explain the process to the families as we are not experts in this.

I thank you much for your time and hope that you will consider my suggestions. At least, have conversations about it. The ultimate goal should be supporting people with disabilities in a manner that is person-centered with reasonable cost-effective measures.

Below is a helpful link that explains a bit more about EAA.


Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate


The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Autism Mom & Advocate

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on Minnesota MCOs Got to GO – bye bye forever – Autism children & Families have suffered by YOU

Alright – so, today, Chair and Rep. Liebling had a hearing for low-income autism families and others to opt-out of MCO. We know that these blood-sucking insurance agencies have not been good to autism families. Even when we made the law and rule the same, MCOs have made the process so much harder that providers are simply not taking kids. MCOs take so much money from state and federal, yet provide no services. One member said today, there is no coordination because no services are happening to bloody coordinate. Ok, she did not say bloody but you get the point. In summary, I think DHS needs to have more data and facts for legislators which would allow them to write good laws and policies. And, we need to say bye-bye to MCO. It is not helping, yes enrollees should have a choice to opt-out and leave.

Below is my testimony:

Minnesota House of Representatives

Health Finance & Policy Committee

Chair: Rep. Liebling

March 21, 2022


            Re: HF 3363 – People should have the option to opt-out of MCOs

Dear Madam Chair and Members,

My name is Idil Abdull; I am a Somali autism mom & advocate, and I appreciate the opportunity to testify today. As you all know, Managed Care Organizations (MCO) are health insurance companies that contract with the state Medicaid agency to provide health care to low-income people in Minnesota including children with autism and their families.

The idea was to have cost-effective care that is driven by quality and compassion. Sadly, this has not always been the case, particularly in the area of autism. DHS’ medical director testified recently in this committee and gave you data that suggested the majority of low-income Minnesotans have MCOs. This is true for autism families. Children with autism who have MCO for insurance are not getting the services they need and qualify because the process is different and difficult for providers.

Let’s say there are two children who are both 5 years old and have autism. Child A named Michael Smith has Medicaid via fee for service and child B named Michael Smith has Medicaid through a health plan. They both apply to autism therapy agency C who will take the fee for service child because the process is easier, the reimbursement is faster, and there is plenty of consistent training on claim and authorization submission. On the other hand, the MCO has a horrible process or no process at all for claims, billing, authorizations, and reimbursement.

In other words, the provider will most likely take the child whose insurance is smoother and better. Keep in mind that both kids have Medicaid, but because MCOs are extremely difficult to navigate and work with, no provider will want to take that child. This is already happening in EIDBI. DHS has this data but refuses to end contracts with MCOs.

Now, there is something you can do about this because Medicaid should be Medicaid should be Medicaid. You can hold DHS accountable for the language in the MCO contracts to ensure the process and rules are the same. You can take away the ability to contract with MCOs if they do not do what they are supposed to do. I have seen this done by previous DHS administrations and governors.

I hope you call DHS and ask them to stop the double standard. I hope you tell MCOs they will not get public funds if they do not meet your standards.

For autism and probably other areas, MCOs are not meeting even basic standards. Autism families and others should have the choice and option to opt-out of MCOs without going through the lengthy process of smart medical team review and/or social security eligibility. These take a long time which defeats the purpose of early autism intervention.

You can read the below articles as a reference to when MCOs were blatantly discriminating against children with autism. Some families have sued them and won. I hope we do not wait for more lawsuits from families again. MCOs should not be allowed to behave this way while taking public funds that you all approve and have the authority to deny.

Thanks as always

Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate


The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on Autism Training For All MN Law Enforcement – It is a Reality Now!

Alright – so, I have written about this issue extensively and have advocated for it in both the state and federal. Minnesota has passed an awesome law that will address the need to train and educate law enforcement in a manner that is culturally responsive. First, I want to give credit to the many many people in the autism community who fought like hell to pass this law. Noah M, Autism Soc of Minn, and others. Thanks for your relentless advocacy.

I first joined this effort years ago when my son had a behavior in the car in the middle of the highway.  I called 911 and the state trooper that came pointed a gun at us. Let’s digest this, I am from Somalia, arguably the most dangerous country in the world and I have never had a gun pointed at me. I had to then stay calm and tell the officer my son has autism and he is having a behavior. And that I need him to help me get out of the highway and into a safe area. After I explained this to the state trooper, he was extremely supportive and helpful. Then I asked him if he has had any autism training. He replied not much maybe a few minutes with all of the other disability training which is not even that much.

So then as I have always done, I have put on my advocacy hat and tried to figure out what can I do so that the next autism family does not endure such a scary moment. First, I called the Department of Public Safety Commissioner Mona D’s office and tried to find out their policies for training state troopers about autism. Her office was very responsive and after I gathered data and facts, I made an appointment with their training person (s). They were also very receptive and helpful. After several meetings and email exchanges, they said around 15 min or so can be added to the hundreds of state troopers that get trained annually.

Then I contacted the city I live and Mpls mayors to see if they can also train their officers about autism and how to help if they are called for help. My wonderful case manager for my son and I met with the chief of policy in where I live. I have to say, I loved meeting this guy. He too said they can add autism training to their procedures. And, wait for it… the best part…. drum roll please…, he watched the young and the restless and the Kardashians. I mean a police chief who is down-to-earth and approachable. It does not get better than that. Hold your horses – all mayors and police chiefs are not created equal, I also met with Mpls mayor Jacob F. Keep in mind, I knew this guy way before he was a hotshot mayor and he was at least reasonable. No more, when we met with him, he promised nothing and offered even less. He was distant and simply took our votes for granted.

Then I met the chair of the public safety in MN House Rep. M in an education advocacy meeting and started asking if a statewide bill that ensures autism training can be done because I can’t keep asking one city at a time as that will take forever and some of them may say no like Mpls did. By this time, others such as Noah and others were heavily advocating at the state capitol for this, so I joined. Finally, the law passed and was sent to the Minn Peace Officers committee. I called them to see if they can make sure and add cultural perspectives since all behaviors are embedded in their culture. Again, I was met with such a supportive and kind manner by their chair who is the chief of police in Mendota Heights. Now, it is out and it has been sent to me. It simply looks fantastic. It is inclusive, thoughtful, comprehensive, and really good.

I think the next step is to start this with the selected groups/agencies who will do the training and support law enforcement agencies.

You see if we see the glass as half full and figure out how to change our experiences into something usually some kind of a policy that helps the autism family behind us – then we all succeed.

Here is the statute if you want to read it. The POST came up with more comprehensive ideas of what should be included in the training.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on Children with Autism Become Adults with Autism

I have sent the below letter to IACC. I am hopeful the committee will address many of these issues for all autism families.


Dear IACC Chair and Members, 

My name is Idil Abdull, I am a Somali Autism Mom and a previous member at IACC. First, I want to thank you all for what you have done and continue to do for children and adults with autism and their families. I especially want to thank Dr. Susan Daniels whom I respect and admire more than I can express. I am grateful that the current US. HHS Secretary has appointed arguably the most diverse public members to IACC. I hope the fruits of your labor are fruitful to all autistic individuals and families.

I write to you today to raise awareness when children with autism become adults with autism. As you know the support, resources, and services for adults with autism are almost non-existence. While it is essential to have early interventions with the hope that children who receive early intervention need fewer services and support; there must be equal support and services for adults with autism. As you are aware autism has increased per the latest ADDM numbers.

I would like to suggest the following friendly suggestions or at least raise awareness. 

  1. Expanding research for adults with autism and their needs such as housing, employment, and higher education.
  2. Recommending more research for medications that can help adults and maybe even children with autism with their challenges and symptoms.
  3. CMS to help states with ensuring home and environmental safety measures are good with concrete federal guidelines that must be followed to ensure the safety and well-being of adults with autism.
  4. Asking the U.S Dept of Education to pressure Congress to fully fund special education.
  5. Asking or at least adding IACC’s recommendations that IDEA’s suspension rules are amended; currently, children with disabilities are suspended similar to students without disabilities. Autism is a behavior disorder and we can not allow our children to be suspended for their behaviors as that is part of their disability. There must a provision in the IDEA law that ensures parents and the IEP team can state in the child’s education plan if he/she understands the code of conduct and suspension. In other words, if the student is profoundly autistic and does not comprehend cause/effect then kicking that student out of school is not helpful, and it must be notated in his/her IEP.
  6. Having diverse autism individuals participate in all autism research by adding it as a requirement in the grant/funding application process.
  7. More research recommendations and funding for non-verbal autism as these individuals have higher needs.
  8. Asking HRSA to ensure the LEND programs attract, keep, and nurture minority fellows into the autism field of speech, ABA, OT, social workers, researchers, etc.
  9. Addressing the pandemic and autism so that families, educators, and others have some guidance from the IACC and federal agencies in this committee. This includes vaccine equity and making the vaccines available to all autism communities, particularly communities of color.
  10. Autism group homes – as parents age, some of our children will need to live in a group home. What and how can IACC assist states with this.

I thank you much for your time and for addressing the above issues, and I look forward to your solutions.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on MN DHS Fails Again – Environmental Accessibility Adaptation (EAA)

Alright – so, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is supposed to be in charge and have cohesive policies and guidelines for all things human services. EAA – what the heck is it and why does it matter to children with autism and their families? As we know, autism is a developmental disability; one of the main challenges is behavior. Most not all children with autism are unable to regulate their behaviors. Hence, the need for behavior therapy. Most, not all children also lack safety skills. When our children are young, we (parents and caregivers) can usually handle their behaviors and safety needs. However, as children become young adults, we need to safely modify their homes and environment. That is when we (at least me) learn about EAA.

Remember years ago when we started advocating about ABA therapy and how MN DHS had zero rules, statute, policy, or any guidance for ABA providers. Actually, DHS just denied they even paid ABA therapy. They did – but only for wealthier TEFRA families. Eventually, we won with simple and persistent advocacy.

At any rate, I thought that was the wild wild west. Well, I take that back. DHS and EAA agencies are the real wild wild west. This time – it is different. DHS does not deny paying for EAA. They just have no concrete nor cohesive fair policies that ensure the individual with autism and/or other disabilities’ safety needs are met. These EAA’s make the ABA agencies look like mother Teresa. I mean, they are as cold as Minnesota snow, clueless as Rose from the Golden Girls, and arrogant as heck. It can take months even years to finish any safety project which defeats the purpose of safety if a person with a disability has to wait years. As much as I loathe most of these EAA agencies, I do not blame them for their boorish behaviors. There are 87 counties in Minnesota and essentially 87 EAA rules. The problem is DHS and it is inability to take charge by creating thoughtful policies with statutory teeth that everyone follows with timeframes, cost-effective measures, and most of all are built on a person-centered and inclusivity foundation. Is that too much to ask? I say no.

So, how does this whole EAA process work? who is in charge? where does the funding come from? and what can we (parents and caregivers) do about it so that it does what it is meant to do which is to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals with autism and other disabilities are met and are a priority?

Stay tuned for yet another advocacy journey I am about to embark on.  Though this time it will be different and perhaps more difficult because DHS has so many new leadership teams; most of whom I am not fond of. Seriously, I would like to retire and not keep going to the state capitol. It would be nice if the human services department simply did its job for people with disabilities without causing stress for parents.

The Above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Advocate

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on BACB Board – Vanilla, Cold, Distant, and Over-Rated

Alright – so, what the heck is the BACB board? who is on it? why does it matter to autism families and why the heck should we care?

Lots of questions and so many answers. Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB) is where Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapists get certified. It has all white-board members. In fact, I don’t remember ever being diverse nor reflecting the autism community. Why should we care? such a good question. Let me back up for a minute and explain more about ABA therapy. It is arguably one of the most (if not the most) effective autism therapy there is today. It is a powerful method that teaches children and adults with autism functional life-long skills that enhance their quality of life and enables them to live as productive members of society.

I am a huge fan of ABA, so much so that I went back to school (at age 90) and got a master’s degree in it. I use this with my own son every day to teach and help him. It does wonders for behaviors, language, social, and self-care skills to mention a few.

We know that autism is high in our Somali kids in Minnesota. We also know that autism is high in this country and children of color get diagnosed later. All behaviors are embedded in their culture. Thus, the importance to have the board that oversees this to reflect the people it is supposed to serve. Now, ABA doesn’t just help autism families. You can actually use ABA therapy in companies, hospitals, daycare centers, and so many other areas. But, I only care and understand about autism, so I will concentrate on that in this blog.

At any rate, not only is the board for this wonderful therapy non-minority – but the few people there have been sitting in these seats for a long time. I think it is time to replace all of these vanilla board members with people who are diverse, kind, compassionate, and most of all approachable. As though that wasn’t bad enough, I have only seen less than five diverse certified ABA therapists. This can not simply be. The rules and guidelines of this all vanilla board must reflect our diverse communities and our families – full stop. They must be person-centered, family-focused, and culturally responsive.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on Delta Airlines – The Friendly Skies For Children with Autism and Their Families

Alright – so, The holidays are around the corner which is when families travel and take vacations. Many families who have children with autism avoid flying because they are unsure how their children will respond. Often autism families don’t go on vacations fear of travelling and how their children will react at the airport and in the airline. I remember once travelling with my son to Los Angeles, it was too overwhelming for him. I wish I knew about this program because I would’ve eased him into flying until he was comfortable. Often children with autism need to see things and places more than once to feel comfortable. To ease this anxiety and stress associated with an airport visit and flying, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and others have teamed up to create the Navigating MSP Airport. The program includes monthly events, all designed specifically for individuals with autism, that guide families through the steps of an airport visit, from walking in the door to finding their seats on a plane.

During the Navigating MSP Airport event, families will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with airport and travel procedures. Children will practice entering the airport, obtain a security pass, go through screening at a TSA security checkpoint and walk through the airport to a boarding gate. To culminate their experience, children and their families will board an aircraft and find their seats. Please note that the aircraft will remain on the ground.

In addition to preparing families for a positive travel experience, the Navigating MSP Airport program also will provide a valuable training and awareness opportunity for the airport staff, airline and TSA personnel to learn how to accommodate children with autism and other disabilities.

Families are invited to participate in any of the Navigating MSP Airport event sessions, scheduled for the first Saturday of every month for a fun and practice run while learning from airport personnel what works and what doesn’t work to make travelling experience efficient and less stressful. I think it is very important to take children with autism to vacations and exciting places. Always let the airline crew know ahead of your child’s diagnoses and needs. Ask them to let you sit near the front so you can get in last and get out first to avoid sensory overload when everyone stands in the airline. In order for our kids to be integrated into their community and society, we must take them everywhere we would typical children. It will take patience and practice which are two qualities autism parents have. Even small steps such as taking our kids to the malls or grocery stores are a good start.

Click here for more information. Additionally, TSA Cares can help children who may get overwhelmed with airport noise and crowds. Call them to find more information.

Above words do not reflect any candidate, agency or committee.

Idil – Autism Mom


Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on Sen. Abeler’s First Picks For his Minnesota Autism Council Working Group Are Three Whites – No Minorities?

Alright – so, Sen. Abeler whose Minnesota Autism Task Force legislation he wrote the last session did not pass because it was in a big unrelated bill that Governor Dayton vetoed came up with a different plan – an autism council working group.

He announced it in his committee mid-October and appointed three Caucasian members to select the remaining members. No person of color was part of the selecting committee. Already a bad start.

The three selected are Jean Bender who has been in almost every committee in Minnesota from the previous autism task force to being a member of Arc and Autism Society of Minnesota. In fact, Jean bounces from one mainstream agency to another. She has a child with autism.

When she and I served in a previous autism task committee, Jean always voted against equality. In my humble little opinion, she is arrogant, charming, passive-aggressive and polite. I remember once she and the current chair of the Bloomington Public Schools – Dawn S took off the Somali autism agency which I was a part of from the task force – their reason – wait for it……pls wait… is so Minnesota Nice!

They said – well Idil, you don’t speak for every Somali autism parent. My response was simply – do you speak for every white autism parent in Minnesota. Then save your useless opinion. At any rate, the fact that Abeler would pick her is worrisome and concerning.

It is also worrisome Abeler who knew from the get-go what our fight was always about would write a legislation that would have any selective and discriminatory words such as anyone who served in the 2011 autism task force would not serve in the current one which would’ve eliminated Jean, Brad T and others. I am deeply disappointed in Sen. Abeler whom I consider a good friend and almost like a brother because he and I have been around the autism block.

The second person that Abeler picked is Wayne R who also has a son with autism. In my humble little opinion, he is not too bad unless of course, you are a parent who does not believe vaccines cause autism. Then folks like Wayne are mean-spirited towards other autism parents. In fact, he and his anti-vaccine group have used, manipulated and divided Somali autism parents.

The last and third person is Sheryl Grassie whom I don’t know well and don’t have an opinion on. Actually, update on this. I met Ms Grassie after she reached out to me back a few years ago when she was advocating for an autism residential housing which I was not able to help her with because I did not think it related to our community culturally. Oh boy, she has not changed. Still as cocky as she was back then is what I remember.

My hope was that Sen. Abeler’s first picks would reflect Minnesota’s autism population, but they are as white as vanilla. I am surprised at Abeler’s move as this is not usually like him.

Below is what Abeler’s language is for this so-called autism council. I for one have zero desire to be part of it but I will blog about it and update what they do or don’t do.

Click here.

Above words do not reflect any candidate, agency or committee.

Idil – Autism Mom

Category: Autism Policy

Comments Off on Minnesota State Legislator – Sen. Abeler is appointing Minnesota Autism Council Working Group

Alright – so, Sen. Abeler wants to appoint an autism working group. I am not sure what they will need to produce. But according to Abeler, people can apply with his office and he has appointed three people thus far. He did not tell me who those three are. Abeler is the chair of Minnesota Senate for Human Services Reform Finance and Policy Committee. This is being introduced today in his committee and was just announced late last night which is not unusual but not fair either because it does not give autism folks especially parents time to go to the committee.

Additionally, a group of autism folks met with Abeler back on April 5th and there was not even one single Somali person. How do you like them apples? Lovely – talking about autism in Minnesota and not invite one Somali autism parent. That is Minnesota nice for you!
I really hope Abeler does not pick Morgan Freeman – Driving Ms. Daisy, Yes ma’am. We need fearless folks who will speak candidly and advocate for their child and their community.

I wanted to testify but the committee administrator Larissa told they are not taking public testimony which I think is also unfair because if it is a public council then the public should have a chance to speak about it. At any rate, I just sent below email to the chair and committee members. I encourage autism parents and professionals to apply and email it to [email protected]

Dear Mr. Chair and Committee Members,

My name is Idil Abdull and I have a 16-year old son with autism.

First, I would like to thank the chair – Sen. Abeler who has been a friend to the autism community in Minnesota for years before it was hip to be an autism friend.

As you may know, autism is extremely high in the Somali community of Minnesota for reasons unknown because no one has done any research to find out. Autism is 1 in 59 nationwide and 1 in 26 Somali children born in Minnesota. This is insane and unless we find out why and help these kids – there will be insurmountable consequences for our state. 

I respectfully ask that you appoint a diverse group from various communities including Somalis, Hispanic, Hmong, Caucasian and Native American autism parents whose children are different ages from toddler to adult to get different views and perspectives. I also hope you appoint various researchers from different universities and entities, not just U of MN, individuals with autism, public teachers, community advocates, ABA therapy providers, speech/OT therapy providers, EIBDI providers as well as someone from DEED, MDE, DHS, MDH and county association. 

In other words, it should be a working group that represents and reflects Minnesota autism communities fairly and adequately. 

Once again, thanks so much for all that you do for individuals with autism and their families!

As always, above words do not represent any candidate, agency or committee.
Idil – Autism Mom


Category: Autism Policy