Behavior Dimensions is fined by CMS to the tune of almost three million dollars – yet no hoopla

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Alright – so, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) fined Behavior Dimensions Inc. (BDI). BDI provides ABA therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in Minnesota. It is run by Dr. Nancy Schussler and Jay O’Neill. Depending who you talk to – there are lots of good and bad information from parents and previous staff. In my opinion – I can do without the huffing and puffing of Dr. Schussler. I really don’t know her partner at all.

At any rate, few years back when Minn DHS was in denial in covering ABA services for wealthier fee for service ASD families, the state legislature and CMS prompted an audit for some ABA agencies. BDI was among that list. It turns out that BDI billed Medicaid fraudulently by $2,772,517.00.

The reasons were diagnostic assessments not completed on time as required, missing or unsigned ITPs, and ITP’s not being reviewed every 90 days as required per CTSS guidelines. BDI also lacked proper clinical supervision. Therefore, CMS cited BDI for failing to meet the requirements needed for reimbursement of ABA services. DHS commissioner was asked to recoup this amount in lump sum, installment payments or deductions/withholding from Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) payments.

Now, let’s imagine this was a minority owned agency. DHS would’ve had a meltdown. They would’ve closed shop, revoked their license and charged them with everything in the kitchen sink. None of that has happened. DHS has been mostly silent. The media that writes and writes when minority owned agencies do anything wrong has also been silent. It is as though it never happened.

Guess why that is? I have a theory. Wait for it…..drum roll please……implicit bias that is so subliminal it is buried under their soul. In other words, this is yet another reason of why racial disparity exists in this great state of Minnesota nice! The land of 10, 000 lakes or as I like to call it – the land of 10,000 racial disparities.

Where are  Mpls and St. Paul NAACP? well – your guess is as good as mine. Probably sleeping or shouting somewhere unnecessarily. In fact, there isn’t even a phone number or an office for these organizations that is supposed to assure colored folks are treated equally. Go figure. They should be the ones calling this double standard out and contacting Gov. Dayton and Commissioner Piper about it.

Where is the minority media – you ask? well – they are too busy taking a picture with some useless politician. They never write about such things, only complain about it when others do it.

I personally don’t even blame DHS or Gov. Dayton. In Africa – there is a saying that says “lax meeshay is dhigtaa lagu qalaa” or “ishii laga arka ushii lagu tumaa”. When translated into English, it loses it’s poetic meaning but it basically means that we are at fault for not using our votes and voices wisely. It is an election year – what have the folks you voted for last time done for you? Why give the same job that they were bad at.

Ask your-self and vote differently.

Above words do not represent any candidate, agency or committee.

Idil – Autism Mom & Advocate