I would like to defend President Obama and Speaker Boehner in Autism today. Yes, that is right – I said it – I think they have done and continue to do what they can for Autism.
A little basic history about both men – they are both politicians, both have daughters, both at the top of their political game in this country. And, Yes both have supported autism.
Here is what I mean, first we need to understand politicians can not and don’t do autism research nor can they force it. Their job is to solely listen to their voters and pass laws or policies that address autism research, services and resources. Then of course there are three branches of government who often don’t get along and veto the other guy’s items just because. This makes very difficult for bi-partisan bills to pass in Congress and the President to sign it.
A lot autism parents are usually mad at the Federal government’s response to autism and sometimes rightfully so. For these two – let’s see what they have done so far.
President Obama’s administration has nominated the most minority advisers in Federal InterAgency Autism coordinating Committee. The President has also nominated an autistic person and a father with an autistic child to his disability council – the first time ever such nomination happened.
He also recently added $100 Million for Brain Initiative to his upcoming budget which will study the brain mysteries including Autism.
In parallel Speaker Boehner has supported autism research, has pushed the passing of the Reauthorization Combat Autism Act and has voted to increase autism research funding. Speaker Boehner has worked closely with Congress Autism Caucus especially Rep Smith (R-NJ) who is a co-founder of the caucus and a coauthor of the Autism Act.
Now, they can fund the authorizations so that they become funded mandates rather than unfunded mandates. But – everything is always harder in DC. What I also like about both of them is that they don’t act as scientist and researchers and rely on NIH, NIMH and CDC directors for guidance on that regardless of which party nominated them. That is true objective and non-bias attitude.
Now, there was an autism hearing in Congress end of last year pushed by mostly parents who believe vaccines caused their children’s autism. Rep Posey (R) from Florida and Rep Maloney (D) from New York introduced HR1757. This bill asks research of vaccinated vs non-vaccinated children.
In addition, I have been asking and pushing Rep Cummings (D) from Maryland and Rep Davis (D) from ILL to introduce a bill that changes CMS guidelines for autism therapy coverage for low income and poor autism families so that we don’t have to fight state by state. So far, their favorite sentence is we are broke.
Doing nothing and not addressing autism will cost a lot more is my humble little opinion. I really think we need to change in Congress the CMS rules for EPDST so that autism therapy of behavior and developmental is part of the rules rather than the exception.
I also asked (OK, harassed) Congressional of Black Caucus to help with this since they are always telling us they want health disparity to diminish. That fact of the matter is there are over 35 states with autism private insurance coverage and less than a dozen with public autism coverage.
That kind of different rules for children is what creates and maintains health disparity and health inequity.
Idil – Somali Autism Mom
June 2nd, 2013