Code of Ethics or Code of Non-Relevant Dictatorship?

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Minnesota Autism Task Force  (Written by Mr. Chair rules for the rest of us) it mostly has nothing to do with autism, only how to bully and intimidate anyone whose ideas he does not understand, agree with or care for. Being bias is never good, Being ignorant is never good – Being both is a horrible combination.

You Read and Decide for Yourself. Here they are in Black and My Response in Blue.

All members of the Minnesota Autism Task Force agree to abide by certain minimum ethical standards of conduct. Adherence to these standards is not only required for membership in the Council, but serves to assure public confidence in the integrity and services of members of the Minnesota Autism Task Force. These standards include the following obligations.

I – Idil Abdull a member of this task force feel and can now see that the chair seems to think he can make up rules for us and specifically for those he does not like or agree with. I think that is wrong and is not in our charge and therefore this (code of ethics is not valid and does not even pertain to our charge of autism).

Members should at all times make a sound effort to attend a majority of the Minnesota Autism Task Force meetings; (While this is a good idea – it was not part of the legislative charge we have to follow).

2. Members should make reasonable efforts to promote public understanding of the Minnesota Autism Task Force process and the proper role of advocacy within that process; (I am sorry – but this is NOT part of our legislatively directed part of the charge).

My Answer: Everyone involved on the Minnesota Autism Task Force should be treated with full respect and dignity in any form of written and or oral communication; (What one considers full respect – another considers disrespect and so who exactly decides this? This can only lead to some agreeing, while others disagree as all is in the eyes of the beholder.

Everyone involved on the Minnesota Autism Task Force should treat others not assigned to the Minnesota Autism Task Force, i.e. Legislator’s, Staff Member’s, Advocacy Groups, etc., but not limited to, with full respect and dignity in any form of written and or oral communication;

My Answer: The last time I checked any legislator who is public elected official was just that a PUBLIC ELECTED OFFICIAL. The autism task force chair has zero authority or say of what I or anyone else thinks of a public elected official. The thought of even thinking he can dictate this process of what makes this country great is both scary and disturbing.  I will say what I think of any public elected official – as a matter of fact, I think I will protest against and campaign against with anyone whose policies do not reflect our community’s needs,

Members are expected to avoid known or anticipated conflicts of interest and to resolve any conflict that does arise as expeditiously as possible;

My Answer: Are you kidding me – avoid conflict of interest – what does that even mean. I think because of this chair’s childish behavior and dictatorship rules is why our state is probably the first state ever to disagree on a letter of support. HRSA probably thinks if we can’t even agree on a simple letter of support – how can we possibly agree on a whole statewide autism plan. I think you should step down as you have totally divided th
is task force and the autism community. A good and reasonable chair would have united us, listened to all of us, did things open and transparently, oh and maybe don’t suppress the only African American member’s voice and ideas which all other state agencies heads agreed with on the support letter for HRSA.

Members are expected to understand and respect that if any voting issue arises and if a quorum is present, that a majority vote will be the end result of that voting issue;

My Answer: This is both silly and again out of touch for a chair that seems bent of power hungry and intimidation. All of our voices and ideas are to be validated as we all represent different views and communities. The notion of suppressing the minority by the majority is why we have civil and equal rights laws.

Members should not knowingly make any false or misleading statements to state employees or other advocates, employees of the legislature or administrative staff, or anyone else involved in the governmental process;

My Answer – Oh, now this chair of an autism task force also speaks for public employees, do you want to add unions, teachers, oh I don’t know postal office workers. An autism chair again has zero right or authority to tell anyone here or anywhere what and how they can talk to their own public government, I think you might just have energized to me protest in front of the MDH this week and maybe bring 20 other Somali autism parents who they have neglected. Would you like to write some rules for them too Mr. Chair? I bet you would like that. Let me remind you – this is an AUTISM task force and not I make up rules task force for those I disagree with or don’t understand their needs.

Members should make reasonable efforts to become and stay as informed as possible on the issues and process involved in being an advocate of the Minnesota Autism Task Force.

My Answer: More dictatorship and more dictatorship. I really left Somalia to get away from politicians who were power hungry. Who would have ever thought, I would see them as autism chair, not in a million years. In terms of staying informed, I would advice you to understand even what HRSA does, means, how this grant came about, what minority disparity is – I can name a lot more, but you get the hint.

To the rest of the reasonable task force members – I ask that you follow open meeting laws, which Minn has. This means when Mr. Chair said everyone voted against minority partnership statements I was asking to be added, yet he would not say who – He violated that law. So, you are all entitled to your own opinions and ideas – but please say and email them publicly so that we can all have an adult conversation, debate and come to a united voice that will help all families with autism.

God Bless!
Idil – Somali Autism Mom

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