What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander, right? Not so fast

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As many know by now Abdi Warsame has won the MN DFL caucus to be the next city council member of Ward 6 in Minneapolis. To give a little back ground, Mr. Warsame did not just win, he knocked it out of the park with tons of votes.

Further, Mr. Warsame had a plan and a vision by working on the redistricting of this ward to assure that East African population was in the same district so that they can elect one of their own. If you hear this guys story of why he did this and why he chose to run, the hair of your arms will stand up. His story is inspiring and he tells it eloquently. Mr. Warsame gives hope to thousands of young Africans and other minorities that one day they can represent themselves, they can write their own policies and govern their own communities. He is the true deal.

Fast forward to today which unfortunately, the current city council member decided to defy the system and not leave graciously. To make matters worse, Mr. Martin, the chair of MN DFL sent out a letter to Minnesota democrats asking those running against another fellow candidate in a different ward 3 to respect the process, and not run because he won that caucus.

I guess my question then is if what is good for the goose is also good for the gander, why didn’t Mr. Martin send a letter on behalf of Mr. Warsame and ask his competitors to respect the DFL process and leave graciously?

My guess is that Mr. Martin and so many like him are still under the impression of we will talk for you, write for you and govern you. This is a bad policy at it’s core and Mr. Martin should do the fair and EQUAL thing and send out similar request for Mr. Warsame who after all won fair and square in his caucus.

If not, then we as minority communities need to rethink how we vote, who we vote for and why.

Insanity is voting for the same people and somehow expecting different policies. Listening to Mr. Martin when he is clearly practicing double standard is not going to empower our community or inspire our children.

Below is Mr. Martin’s letter to DFL supporters and I guess I am waiting when he will send out similar one for Mr. Abdi Warsame who deserves equal treatment. He even asks people to donate and indicates that historic DFL caucus. I am sorry, but are you kidding me. Who the heck in Minn or the world does not think Mr. Warsame made HISTORY? Will the real slim shady please stand up here, I mean seriously. Take a read below and you be the judge:

In the Third Ward Minneapolis City Council race, Jacob Frey demonstrated that our caucus and endorsing process works. His campaign drove the highest caucus turnout across Minneapolisand mobilized a diverse super majority of supporters to win the DFL endorsement on May 4.

But, after this record-setting turnout and a sea of red “Frey is my guy!” t-shirts at the convention, Council Member Hofstede went back on her word to abide by the DFL endorsement. We must show that the DFL endorsement matters and should be respected.

You can do so by helping Jacob reach his June fundraising goal of $10,000. He’s already 50% of the way there, but needs hundreds of donors standing with him. Every dollar counts. Please click here to rush your contribution of $10, $25, $50 or $300.

Let’s show that grassroots organizing can trump even the biggest of machines. Let’s show that the DFL endorsement process matters. Let’s do all this by helping Jacob towards another record-setting turnout … this time on November 5. Jacob has made history in this election and will continue to do so with your help.

We deserve better and we deserve equal treatment from Mr. Martin and his allies in MN DFL. I know this is not my usual topic for a blog, but if we are to think policies that affect our lives directly or indirectly come from politicians then we need to pay attention to those writing such policies and they must be fair by leveling the playing field for our own candidates. If you live under a rock and did not hear this, here is Mr. Warsame’s site for more information.
Vote wisely!


Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

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