Dakota County’s Sister County – Carver Oh My More Devil wearing Prada

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Alright – so, if you know me or read my blog then you understand how I detest Dakota county. I have a surprise for you. Carver is in the running for being another sh….t county. They screw with autism families particularly black and brown ones. They are lazy, rude, intentionally heartless and could care less.

Recently more Somali autism families have been moving to Carver County especially to Chaska and Chanhassen. I have advocated and helped autism families of different races and ethnicities but the treatments towards them is night and day. For the non-Somali families, Carver County comes out quicker, addresses the issues by asking ONE time. For Somali families, they are slower, ignore the family’s needs, try to trick the family by excluding who they chose to help, etc. This is typical for racist counties. They will say things like – we are going to deal with the family directly even after the family signs and asks me to help. I have seen this in many counties as far away as Rochester and even Duluth. This tactic will not work, and I suggest Carver and others stop trying to manipulate the families. Any family has a right to bring whoever they want to any situation for help, guidance, and support. The county does not dictate this, the family does. Let’s get this to your thick and unkind head.

Just like Dakota, Carver is very pretty but the devil always wears Prada. While the land is beautiful, the county commissioners, most of its middle management and even some of their elected officials who narrowly won are just as bad, if not worse.

I remember a Somali autism mom called me last year’s election night and said, “Rep. Noor came with another person asking to vote for her”. Imagine that. Noor is from Mpls, and he was door knocking for a fellow dlfer in Chanhassen. This tells you how close elections in this district and in general most of Minnesota is. None of them have room to be rude, cold, or arrogant.

Now, the county commissioners as white as vanilla. They can use some tan. I am not sure if we are there yet. As you know, Dakota had a Somali ran last election. Scott had a Somali run couple of years ago. Neither won but I think they did not campaign hard enough and deep into the rural areas. I think there is hope to replace them. I also think we need to keep going to their public hearings and testify by telling our stories and maybe one day the gazillion Somali reporters will write stories of how horrible Carver and Dakota counties are to black/brown autism families.

The above words do not represent any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate