Alright so, the new co – chairs in Minnesota Human Services had its first hearing about DHS and oversight today 1.22.25. Of course, autism has been interjected in the middle of this and what do you know even when there are two Somali senators – no Somali autism parent or provider was allowed to testify.
Are these people kidding me? The dfler Hoffman and the republican Rasmusson willingly denied our community to speak. There were even Somali autism parents in the audience. Bleeping unbelievable.
Let’s remember Hoffman just had a fundraiser by the Somali community in Zawadi, Bloomington. Akhas caleeg Soomaaliyeey.
One of them (Jules Edwards) said so many wrong and false things about autism therapy such as ABA therapy. This is what happens when you do not know research. What the heck was that? Then she said the Autism ABA agencies are committing so much fraud. Seriously, and they do not allow no one from the actual community that is being picked on to testify. Ms. Edwards – please sit down and shut-up. You have zero idea about ABA and stop comparing to conversion therapy. Autism is a developmental disorder that is an actual medical condition and a disability – full stop. It has zero to do with people’s lifestyle choices. Now, I know, I should not argue with autistic people but excuse the heck out of me when they make no sense, and they are supposed to speak for my son and so many others. Ms. Edwards, I would give every organ in my body for my son to not have autism or even to be verbal.
Furthermore, it was ABA therapy that taught him every skill he knows from being toilet trained to using functional communication via a device. Again, I need you to sit down and shut up. You and the likes of you never speak for children who are profoundly autistic. You have no idea what the heck you were saying. Do you know that ABA is one of the established interventions that is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The National Institute of Mental Health, and the previous US surgeon general. It is the gold standard for reducing the many challenges that children and adults with autism have.
Additionally, if you did simple google search or oh, I don’t know read the MN autism statute, you would know Minnesota actually covers other modalities not just ABA. Some of which do not have the lengthy control trial research ABA therapy does. So, if you want to promote developmental therapies, go for it but stop talking out of your #%&s.
You also said these agencies hire young people. This tells me again you have no idea what the hell you are saying. Do you want a 40-year-old to do direct therapy with a 4-year-old with autism? You have to be young and fast to keep up with these children. If you are older than thirty, and you are still in the autism field, you are probably a supervisor and/or have a higher degree. Direct support workers are young since this is an entry level position. Again, pls sit your privilege ass down and shut up until you understand what you are saying.
Then there was Hoffman. I know some in the Somali community like him, but I think he is a grass snake. He is charming, charismatic, learns couple of words in East African languages, comes to so many Somali events, helps couple of Somali non-profit agencies with grants and can kiss-ass like no other. Deep down, he is a polished George Wallace. I have known Hoffman from the beginning before any Somali knew or even heard of him. He was yuk back then and he is still yuk, except now he is a chair and powerful. He knows exactly what he is doing and can sell a drowning person water. He called Arc to talk about autism. Why? they are not a provider nor suffered like the Somali community has. They do not have any Somali in their board and never hired a Somali in a policy position. Steve Larson was probably the last decent human being there. Andrea something is another polished liberal who will screw with communities of color faster than a NY minute. Yuk and yuk.
Will the Somali community get and understand Hoffman? Nope. At least not anytime soon. Any white person who smiles at us, we melt like a teenage girl with a hormone driven crush. So, what now? You know how Trump said – drill baby drill. I think for us it is cry baby cry. I cried today then cursed then cried again during this yucky committee hearing.
On the GOP side, the co-chair is Rasmusson. I have actually never heard of him. He seems young and not experienced. I cannot judge him yet. Usually, if a republican does not like or want whatever issue you are pushing, they will tell you right away. They are not charming or charismatic. What you see is what you get. To me, on the first impression, he seems articulate but inexperienced. I guess my question is why the GOP leadership even picked him over Abeler. I mean Abeler knows human services better than most, including Hoffman and even DHS. Abeler is the woman version of Berglin. He is clever, intelligent, and quick on his feet. He knows human services policy better than most. Oh, and he was the original legislator who helped the Somali community and all autism Medicaid families in covering autism therapy. He was the first legislator with a backbone who actually asked better oversight in autism therapy back in 2011. That is over a decade ago and Minnesota still sucks. Ufta and ugh. What the heck?
Gentle friendly advice to the two Somali Senators in MN Human Services Committee:
- Anytime, the committee is talking about autism, please make sure the agenda has actual Somali autism parents, professionals, and advocates. There are four Somali autism advocacy agencies now. There are many licensed Somali professionals and providers who do the right thing and have helped children who have not been helped before.
- Ask and question everyone about everything, especially DHS and other speakers about not just autism oversight but how they oversee other programs.
- Ask about oversight in home safety modifications also called environmental accessibility adaptation. There is zero oversight nor audit and it is still Medicaid funding. The only difference is those agencies are almost 100% white men. This is why DHS and legislators never mention them. I beg you ask DHS how they provide oversight for those blood sucking white contractors who charge an arm and a leg and have no one asking them for quality services or outcome. DHS does not even have a good policy on this. Counties just wing it.
- My favorite – ask about the real blood sucking greedy managed care organizations who are paid before they provide zero services to zero patients. How is that even a law? It is like paying an employee for work they have not done and may never do. Who does that? Minn DHS. The MCOs are paid in advance, are almost never audited, DHS has no idea how much money they got, how much they spent on patient care and how many patients they served. They are just sent a fixed amount for every low-income patient on medical assistance whether they receive medical services or not. Why is that not waste and fraud? The OLA is underfunded and understaffed to even do the federal single audit act consistently on DHS and MCOs. Why aren’t the legislators having a meltdown about that?
To the Somali autism families and community:
While I have so much love and respect for you, I am profoundly disappointed. I have offered to train you in policy. You can also learn on your own by just searching and googling. Some of you even said to me today – Idil, you told us about his committee hearing late. What now? I told you when the committee posted. This tells me despite me preaching to learn and understand autism policies, so many of you are still in the dark. I always hear, I am busy, I have to do this, that and the other. Then you cannot complain when they have us for lunch by breakfast. If you are not on the table, then you are on the menu. So many of you have benefited from the many autism policies I have worked my ass off and advocated sometimes day and night. Sometimes you have to do it for your fellow Somali autism families. Sometimes you have to do it for the children behind yours. Sometimes you have to do it for your community. Best of all, you have to do it for your soul and heart. If I had said what so many of you say – imagine what services your child would’ve had now. Policy advocacy is arduous work, the reward of setting the system for your child and others is priceless. Please wake up and learn about autism policy. You are so talented; I know you can do it.
To the Somali autism agencies:
- You are benefiting from our long and hard advocacy work, why are you not defending yourself and your work now?
- Some of you are licensed therapists who are educated and know about this, but you are sleeping. Why?
- You can create an association, hire a lobbyist, lawyer, and publicist to get your good work and message out. Why are taking a nap at the wheel? I am mostly disappointed in you. Autism is not a business; it is about human beings who are vulnerable. If you are not going to defend and help autism families then please leave and maybe sell shoes or ice cream.
To the Somali community:
- Where the heck are the mosques? You scream when some country in the middle east is in crises but silent about autism. Why?
- Must we always be bridesmaids and never the bride?
- You are constantly at Mpls airport welcoming some “xil-dhibaan” from somewhere else when your home is crying for help. What the heck?
- Our children are either autistic, dying from drug overdose or failing in school and you are interested in what some crappy politician from Somalia is saying. Are you bleeping kidding me? Where are your priorities?
- We have learn to live and assimilate into this beautiful country that provided us life. Yes, we are Somalis, but we are also Americans. We must learn to live and not just exist in this country.
- The mosques do not welcome our autism children even during Eid. How hurtful? What happened to our leaders? This silence from you hurts me the most. I cry as I write this blog because I thought we were – dad fiican oo dhiig iyo laf dhabar leh.
I guess this will do it for this blog. As I try to retire, someone else has to understand and advocate about autism policies. Come on community.
The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.
Idil Abdull – Somali Autism Mom & retired advocate