Monthly Archives: September 2024

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Alright – so, if you live in Minnesota or are from Somalia, then you know that we are constantly on the news in a negative light. Normally, I do not pay attention but lately the Minnesota Reformer and The Mpls Tribune have been writing about autism. Then it affects me and my kid. I started thinking about it and looking into why so many usually liberal media outlets write so much negative which then is picked up and carried even further by conservative media outlets.

Sahan Journal which was started by a Somali journalist with the intention of having a diverse reporters who bring the news of the BIPOC communities to light and tell our stories to mainstream. All good right. Not so fast. Sahan’s financial leverage took off after it started writing negative stories about the Somali community. All of the sudden, everyone and their mama’s wanted to donate. In autism therapy, we call that positive reinforcement which increases the behavior you want to solicit. In other words, the more Sahan wrote about the founder’s community in a negative light, the more donations came in. Yum Yum.

Then came Minnesota Reformer, another non-profit also started by a liberal but a white one this time. They promise to be centered and fair. That was a dream that did not last because fairness does not bring donations and readers. Then they started writing negative stories that racially profiled the Somali community. Then voila like magic, their visibility increases. You see the connection. Demonizing and defaming immigrant communities become cash-cow especially during election time since most folks are more interested in political news. Welcome to Minnesota – ladies and gentlemen where racial and islamophobia is well and alive.

These stories become catch phrases for politicians to preach to their core constituents which feeds itself off to even more reporting. Now the Tribune has joined in the ring and even hired the reported who started the negative articles in the Reformer – two peas in a pod, the yin to their yang. Does it get better than this.

While all of these are happening, the Somali business owners whose business have been screwed with decide to donate over $100k to the MN DFL House Caucus. You cannot even make this up. Let me make sure I understand this. The people who are being screwed with donate to the politicians who are screwing with them. What now? I am dizzy. This makes no sense to me. Instead, our community needed to hold the DFL party accountable who control all three government branches for years of dismissive and discriminatory tactics, but instead they reward them with over one hundred thousand dollars. I give up. What the heck?

To make matters worse, negative news stories create so much trauma for the BIPOC communities including the Somali community. I am sure these lovely fair and balanced news outlets will one day write about all the trauma our communities face without connecting how they are part of the problem. Lovely.

Blacks see themselves depicted negatively by the media, what? NO, come on.

Journalism’s racial reckonings: How funders and publishers confront systemic bias


The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate

Comments Off on Federal Autism Legislation – Autism Cares Act is Reauthorized by Congress Sept 2024 – Awesome!

Alright – so, the federal autism legislation, Autism Collaboration Accountability Research Education and Support (Autism Cares Act) is up for reauthorization. It was voted in the House 402 – 13. Rep. Smith a GOP from NJ and Rep. Doyle from PA as usual have been pushing and took it to the finish line before the act expired end of Sept, 2024.

I have met both Doyle and Smith when I was in IACC and spoken with their health policy adviser the last two reauthorization cycles when we were able to get all MN congress folks to vote for it. It had a hearing in the Senate HELP committee and I noticed Sen. Tina Smith was silent even when the Senator from NM was visibly emotional. How lovely, I am sure Sen. Tina Smith will come to collect Somali votes next election cycle and as the village idiots we are, we will forget and only remember she said “iska waran” or ate one sanbusa. Ugh, so frustrating.

At any rate, I cannot write about this legislation again as I have extensively done it before. In a nutshell, it supports the ADDM from CDC, NIH’s autism research, Lend programs from HRSA, IACC and so many other amazing autism work.

I do know that coalition of severe autism groups wrote letters to the authors asking changes which included elimination of IACC. I do not agree with this but did not write about it or contacted anyone to advocate as I am trying to retire. Although I miss advocating at the federal level. Believe it or not, it was a lot easier and more welcoming than advocating in Minnesota. Sadly, I still do not see another Somali Autism Parent who wants to carry the mantel and the struggle. God Willing – it will happen.

I suggest people read this entire legislation, its history and who voted for it and against it then vote wisely and let’s use our votes to support autism families.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate.

Category: Autism Policy

Defending DHS – No Hell has not Frozen

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Alright – so, I am sure you are thinking, Idil defending the Minnesota State Medicaid agency. What the heck, has hell frozen? No, calm down. I think I found another entity that I despise more – Minnesota Reformer. This wanna be news outlet, has been reporting negative and negative about Somali autism community. They are insulting us, making up things, using unverified sources, and just talking nonsense.

They said an anonymous source, so they sell it to us has complained to the state Medicaid agency (DHS) about a Somali autism therapy agency and apparently nothing was done. How primitive.
Let me explain something to you hillbilly writers – there is something called disgruntled employees who fabricate stories out of thin air. If DHS or any agency for that matter investigated every allegation that would be all they do and still would not cover all of it. DHS nor any agency has the resources or the staff to investigate fictional reports from fired or mad employees. That is simply insane and not possible.

The notion that DHS has the resources to do endless investigations is toddler reporting. I suggest you grow up and come to realville. Furthermore, if you did honest and thoughtful reporting, you could ask DHS how many anonymous complaints they get annually, of those what percentage is investigated and of that what percentage is found to be credible complaints. Instead, you find again someone who does not have the guts to come out, somehow and as usual tie to the Somali community who in your hillbilly eyes is bad to the bone then blame DHS for it. How un-journalistic of you.

In my humble opinion, what DHS can do is put a moratorium on approving new EIDBI agencies. Trian the current ones on policies and procedures in a manner that is culturally responsive. This means do not write things to an oral society, they won’t get it. Audit more and provide better quality oversight in all areas of EIDBI agencies to ensure children are learning. Hire and train auditors that reflect the people being served about autism and EIDBI so that they know and understand it better. Get the licensure thing going faster and include CTSS autism therapy agencies to ensure fairness and equity. There is always room for improvement and while I am usually never a fan of DHS, I defend them against the racially profiling and islamophobia MN Reformer. I don’t wanna start saying “DHS is doing a heck of a job” as I do not have access to their internal process but again there is always room for improvement for all of us and if anyone is doing autism therapy for the right reasons – then I support you and stand by and with you.

As usual, the above words do not represent any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate

Comments Off on Minnesota Reformer – What is Your Beef with the Somali Community?

Alright – so, Minnesota Reformer has been targeting the Somali community and writing stories that are racially profiling as well as islamophobia. As anyone knows, unless it is about autism, I usually have no idea or even care. Lately, this online news outlet has for some reason decided to talk about Somali autism related issues.

Who the heck is Minnesota Reformer – as I have never heard of them until they wrote about Somali autism few months ago. They are under a non-profit news organization that claims to write about policy and politics. The Reformer was founded by a previous Mpls Tribune reporter Mr. Coolican. From what I understand he is as liberal as Walz. In other words, preach sugar but practice salt. They go after BIPOC communities particularly the Somali community in Minnesota. Why, you ask. Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe to get a bigger audience, they have to write “shocking”. stories that are based on demeaning our community and plant fear in other communities. They claim to be non-partisan and fair. If that is not the biggest oxymoron, then I do not know what is.

Their to go line is Somalis are bad, Somalis are bad, Somalis are bad – well you get the idea.

I and other Somali autism parents have tried to reach out to them to understand why all the hate towards our community. Why divide and use members of our community against each-other, they have refused as it is typical for liberal racists dismissed our olive branch.

What is interesting is they also write about how the GOP politicians are sooooo bad towards Muslims and minorities that they are completely oblivious to their own attitude towards our community.

They manage to always target our community and somehow connect it to bad bad and worse.

First of all, to their article that stated, “they call themselves autism moms”. We ARE Somali Autism Moms and effective current/retired advocates who have advocated for autism therapy for low-income autism families in Minnesota and nationwide.

Second, they cite Dr. Larsson (the crook of all crooks) who stole millions of Medicaid funds as though he is holy. Talk about racism and narcissism.

Third, even though they have or could get data that states the non-minority thieves who have stolen millions from Minnesota Medicaid, they pretend to look at that with a deaf ear and a blind eye. How typical liberal and lovely of them.

Fourth. It is not a crime to drive long to get medical care. Patients do it all the time. I drive my son for 1 and 1/2 hours to a speech therapy clinic that is for only 1/2 hour. I do this because my son gets wonderful therapy, and I would drive to Timbuktu and to the moon on needles on fire to get him therapy and intervention. Oh, and by the way, soooo many non-minority autism families also do this. Of course, when they do it, it is because they care about their children. When we do it, it must be wrong.

Fifth, when you report an xyz person who did xzy wrong and they are not Somali, you only report their name. In other words, you do not write John McCarthy stole millions of Medicaid and all his customers and employees were Irish. Or Mr. Feinstein stole millions in Medicaid and all his customers and employees were teenagers and Jewish. When it is Somali, you are soooo quick to state their ethnicity. Mr. Ali stole millions of Medicaid and all his customers and employees were Somali. There is a name for that, oh yeah, islamophobia and racial profiling. An old tactic that whites used/use to discriminate against BIPOC communities. How original.

Malcolm X is quoted to have said “the media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Creating a world that is safe, just, and equitable for all requires us to interrogate every system and structure that exists, including our mass media. There is a bias in what gets reported and how the coverage is being reported. Words are powerful and the messages we consume from the media are often overlooked. We must be vigilant about calling out these inequities because of the direct impact that the media has in shaping our perceptions. The Reformer’s bias reporting has hurtful and heartbreaking consequences for our community. Sadly, how blacks and other communities of color are reported in the media is nothing new.

Again, I ask what is your beef with the Somali community? Why all this much hate? Why the double standard?

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee and are solely my opinions.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Retired Advocate