Monthly Archives: February 2021

Comments Off on Congresswoman Angie Craig Fails Minnesota Miserably including Autism Families

Alright – so, Rep Craig sadly won again in the last election, though not by a lot; only a mere couple of percentages and just a few thousand votes. Yep, this should tell you that people in the 2nd district which includes lots and lots of minorities did not vote for her including me. She has refused and neglected to address this district’s needs and concerns. She has refused to hire (other than powerless community outreach, liaison, etc) folks who represent this thriving and diverse district.

Most of all, she has neglected to speak and help autism families; even though she is an autism parent. How do you like them apples?

As we all know, Minnesota and nationwide – school districts protect teachers and their unions over children and families. We also know that special education has never been fully funded by Congress to what it promised. Nevertheless, Rep. Craig gave this issue a deaf ear and a blind eye. If you look at her legislative record; it will make you wonder what the heck she has been doing. A toddler could have done more work. On the surface, she appears genuine, but internally she is as cold as Minnesota ice and as clueless as Rose from the Golden Girls show. She often holds as though that is something to brag about, these useless town-hall meetings but she never takes her constituents’ concerns to Congress, nor address them.

Her opponent from last year had a lot of good ideas, but as I have said before a DFL’er can sell water to a drowning minority person whereas a GOP could not sell a life jacket to a drowning minority voter. As a result, we have her in office now; hopefully only until the next election. I hope her opponent next time, realizes what makes America fantastic is its ability to give everyone the same opportunity and level the playing field. America is amazing because of its diversity, its colorful colors, its inclusiveness, and most of all its welcoming demeanor. That is how you can win an election; welcome all and include all, not just with words which is what Craig does, but with tangible action which she has failed miserably and purposefully.

The above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom

Comments Off on Minn State Senators introduce Education Improvement Legislations

Alright – so, I am still mad and will never forget what Kelly Morris and Jaysen Anderson did to my kid. As a result of the heartbreak and sadness from that day; I have been trying to advocate in the Minnesota state legislature for policies and laws to ensure another autistic child and family does not go through that horrible life-altering experience.

This afternoon, the Minn Senate Education Policy & Finance Committee had lots of incredible bills that could (if they pass) move this suspension needle towards some light of hope and fairness. I testified; below is my testimony. Here is the direct link as well.

Minnesota Senate Education Policy & Finance Committee

Chair Sen. Chamberlain

February 24, 2021


Mr. Chair and Members,

Many thanks for the opportunity to testify today. My name is Idil Abdull, I am an autism mom & advocate. I would like to offer my support for the following legislations: My son who has non-verbal autism was suspended by teacher Kelly Morris and principal Jaysen Anderson on Thursday, May 3rd; 5:18pm in 2018. The teacher neglected to give him his communication device, changed his routine then called the principal and security on my kid. I will never forget that day. I never took him back. My son now goes to a charter school which has been simply wonderful. They understand he has a disability and does not comprehend suspension nor cause/effect.

S.F 446, I fully support this bill. One of the reasons, Minnesota has a shameful education gap is that we do not have enough teachers of color. Black boys are less likely to drop out of high school and more likely to attend college if they have one black teacher in elementary school (Gershenson et al., 2017). Think about that for a minute – one black teacher can reduce dropout and increase attending college, thereby reducing education gap. I know 100% if my son’s teacher reflected him, he would not have been kicked out of his education environment. His current teacher, principal & director (Ahmed, Asha, and Maria) have been nothing short of superb, kind, and welcoming to my son and our family.

Doesn’t every student deserve that? graduate/


S.F 781, I cannot thank the author enough for having a spine to introduce this legislation. For far too long, schools kept incompetent and ineffective teachers simply because of their seniority. Teacher of the year, Qorsho Hassan still lost her job because of seniority-based layoffs. This practice must stop if we want to keep effective teachers in the classrooms and reduce education gap for kids. Please take a read below. to-budget-cuts-in-burnsville-call-for-introspection-policy/article_a83023c4-a222-5133-8426- 5c7ed8aa4bfa.html teachers/


S.F 784, Seriously, if there was a heaven in education; today’s committee hearings would be Mozart music to my ears along with so many other parents. Based on data I received, my son’s teacher who kicked him out of his educational environment did not have the training needed to help my son.

The idea of school districts must mentor and retain teachers including those from black and brown communities is – oh what is the word……Fantastic. If this committee passes these amazing legislations and gets students and families to the finish-line this year, Minnesota will finally have an attainable chance to reduce education gap and decrease unnecessary suspensions. I thank the author for this bill from the bottom of my heart. And I urge all the members here to co-author all these remarkable and forward-thinking legislations. The time to act and support the students is now.


With gratitude,

Idil – Somali Autism Mom


As usual, the above words do not reflect any candidate, agency, or committee.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom

Comments Off on Increasing and Not firing Teachers of Color – We can only Hope

Alright – so, if you live in Minnesota or follow education laws and policies then you know we have a horrible and shameful education disparity record. There are many reasons for this; one of is not enough teachers of color who reflect our kids. Another reason is often teachers of color are the last hired and first fired even when are are fantastic and win teacher of year. Why? two words Education Minnesota aka Teacher’s Union.


Minnesota House of Representatives

Education Finance Committee

Chair – Rep. Davnie

February 3, 2021


Mr. Chair and Members, Good Morning.

Many thanks for the opportunity to testify and speak for my son and so many others like him. My name is Idil Abdull.

I would like to take a moment and thank the author of this bill Rep. Hassan – thanks much for wanting to ensure our kids succeed in school. I am in full support of HF 217.

Students are like blank pages. What fills those pages is what their teacher writes on it. Therefore, it is crucial we have teachers who are in this profession for the right reasons; that is to foster, care and mold young impressionable minds.

As I have so many times stated in this committee and other education committees in the house and senate, my son was suspended on Thursday May 3rd at 5:18pm in 2018 by a white female teacher Kelly Morris and principal Jaysen Anderson from Jefferson high school in Bloomington Public Schools. I often wonder if Kelly and Jaysen reflected my kid, would the outcome have been different. If Kelly were a teacher of color, would my son who is autistic and had a behavior due to his disability be so eager to call the principal and security on him.

Due to this traumatizing experience, I have taken my child to a charter school in Minneapolis where most of my son’s teachers are minorities and I cannot tell you how relaxing and stress-free it has been for our family. I no longer worry my child being punished for his disability. My son’s current teacher is Somali, and I know she will not only teach him, but nurture and care for him. If I knew what I know today, I would have never taken my child to Jefferson or any other educational environment where teachers and administrators did not reflect him.

Clearly given the sheer number of written and oral support for this bill, it is much needed and necessary if we want our children to do well not just in school but in life. I want to emphasize the ability to hire and retain teachers based on performance not mere seniority. It is extremely essential and imperative to keep effective teachers in the classroom.

Helpful research and articles for your reading pleasure.

As always, I thank you for your time.                    Idil – Somali Autism Mom

Comments Off on MN Suspensions for Students with Disabilities – Can we get the opportunity to appeal?

Alright – so, every since Kelly Morris and Jaysen Anderson changed my outlook in education for me, I have studied, researched and learned more about this issue in these short few years than I have in the past decade. Thus, I have been advocating in the state and in the federal level trying to find and seek ideas and support so that what Kelly and Jaysen did to my kid does not keep happening to other kids which sadly it has been. This afternoon, I have testified in the Minn House of Reps – Education Policy Committee. Below is my Testimony.


Minnesota House of Representatives

Education Policy Committee

Chair – Rep. Richardson

February 1, 2021


Madam Chair, Vice Chair and Members, Good afternoon.

Many thanks for the opportunity to testify and speak for my son and so many others like him. My name is Idil Abdull.

My son was suspended on Thursday May 3rd at 5:18pm in 2018 by teacher Kelly Morris and principal Jaysen Anderson from Jefferson high school in Bloomington Public Schools.

My son has non-verbal autism and did not nor does he now understand what suspension is or comprehends cause/effect. Nevertheless, Kelly and Jaysen kicked him out from his educational environment. As you are aware and have seen data after data, Minnesota has a horrible and shameful record for racial discipline. This is not an accident. It happens and will continue to happen because there is no accountability for the teachers nor the principals and administrators. This is also not an accident.

So now what? As a parent along with many other families, we cannot keep asking the same question every legislative session while nothing significant nor meaningful passes. For students with special needs, I would like to suggest some ideas:

As I learn and dig what other states are doing, I came across WI statute (attached to this testimony). Please take a read under suspension, question 4 which states the following:

May a suspension be appealed? A parent or pupil may, within five school days following the commencement of a suspension, have a conference with the school district administrator or his/her designee. The designee may not be the principal, an administrator, or a teacher in the child’s school. If the school district administrator or his/her designee finds that the child was suspended unfairly or unjustly, or the suspension was inappropriate given the nature of the offense, or the child suffered undue consequences or penalties as a result of the suspension, reference to the suspension must be removed from the child’s records. The finding must be made within 15 days of the conference, s. 120.13 (1) (b), Wis. Stats

Imagine if I had such opportunity along with thousands of other families whose children were kicked out of school unfairly and unjustly. Imagine if the teacher and the administrators were held accountable for their actions and had to explain. Imagine if children went to school to learn and not be afraid of getting kicked out. Just imagine.

Currently, the way Minnesota education laws are written are not child/student/family centered nor friendly. They instead are teacher/administrator friendly and protect the adults who chose this profession instead of the children.

My son communicates with a device and is routine oriented as many kids with autism are. Yet, his teacher on this day changed his routine and neglected to give him his communication device. Then when he had a behavior because he wanted to finish his routine of going to his locker at the end of the day, she called the principal and security on him. This is a day I will never forget not because of what Kelly did but because how Minnesota’s laws allow her. If teachers and administrators are not accountable for their actions or lack thereof, then really what is the point here?

I ask you all to take a read of the attached information from WI and see how our current Minnesota laws can be amended to ensure what happened to my family does not keep happening to more children and parents.


As always, I thank you for your time and for listening.

Idil – Somali Autism Mom and Advocate


Above words do not reflect any candidate, agency or committee.