Monthly Archives: September 2013

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The following are solely my opinions and do not represent the MN Autism Task force members or affiliations. I plan to write a serious of blogs about this as it is too long to lump it into one. 

Stay tuned for more shocking revelations from Norton and party since the autism queen of disparity joined this task force.

As you might have heard the MN Autism Task Force has become a joke and a circus ever since Rep Norton (the queen of autism disparity) joined few short weeks ago. 

What do I mean by this and let’s give some facts.
Fact One:
Right before Rep Norton joined as I mentioned in before blogs, MDH wanted to apply Federal HRSA autism grant. This was their 2nd try of this grant, they were denied the last cycle because they lacked a cohesive way of collaborating and partnering with minority communities. Keep in mind, I have been asking them to improve their relationship with communities of color, but why listen to us when they can talk and think for us. So, they never did have a good community of color outreach. Thus, their last two applications for autism federal funding were denied. 
Fact Two:
I ask MDH to share their denial letter with the task force and have an open discussion of the reasons for the denial and a way to improve and address that before HRSA announces the 2nd round of grant applications. 
Fact Three:
MDH’s Rep Dalbec refuses to share that letter claiming it is useless because HRSA’s new guidelines could be different. Think about that for a minute – MDH refuses to address its lack of minority outreach because it might not affect their next grant. The Autism Chair Trahan agrees with Dalbec and refuses to bring that denial letter for a discussion for over a year. 
Fact Four:
HRSA announces their new autism grant guidelines and walla – it asks minority community partnership and collaboration. MDH now comes to the task force and asks a support letter and they only have couple of weeks before the application is due. Now what now? Did I not ask these people to have an open and honest debate of why the last application failed and they refused. 
Yes, indeed I did. 
Fact Five: 
Mr. Trahan writes a support letter by claiming the “whole” task force supports it. Now what now.
That is totally wrong since I am a member and do not support given that I have been asking MDH and they have been ignoring and refusing specific minority language inclusion and sharing the funds. Further, MN Autism Task force is a public law and he refuses to have the vote public and have a debate on this important support letter.
Fact Six:
After such silly refusal – I went back to the leaders of the state agency representatives MDH, DHS, MDE and DEED. DHS right away supports what I was asking to be added which simply stated specific language that said how much of the $400,000 will be allocated for minority community based organizations, who they are and how long they will get the funding. Instead MDH’s rep Dalbec initially refuses that and just says their usual talking point of “we will include minority communities after we win the grant”. Of course, I don’t trust or believe her or MDH given their horrible health disparity record. 
MDE’s leaders also come on board and support our language in the support letter.
DEED rep Herzog says she was never asked for a support and has no comment. Then we go to the governors office and ask they talk to MDH to have inclusive and specific language for minority resource sharing of the funds. MDH’s Rep Dalbec then reluctantly says “we can’t add that, but we can take an addendum stating our language”. Think about that for a minute. Instead of having one letter of support from the whole task force, they would rather have two that sort of cancel each-other because one has minority inclusion and one does not. 
Finally and with great resistance and hesitation MDH’s Dalbec only adds grants of $70,000 will be awarded to minority based agencies as well as rural based autism agencies. If sharing such small funds is hard for them – imagine how hard it is for them to share bigger funds. That is exactly one of the main reasons why health disparity exist at Minn dept of health (MDH). The level of resistance from MDH’s CMH health is beyond belief. Sadly, not surprising. 
Fact Seven:
On the next Autism task force meeting, I ask the chair – Trahan who voted against minority inclusion portion, why we did not have a public debate and vote on it publicly. To my surprise, he states he never got that request. Now what now, because I sent kazillion emails stating that, but all of the sudden he has amnesia and has no recollection. I wonder where I heard that before – oh yeah Rep Norton and how she writes bias autism legislations then pretends to forget them. 
Fact Eight:
I then write a formal complaint about the chair and all of the sudden he blames me and resigns. All for what because I asked “minority community organization to get some of the $400,000 federal autism funding & a public vote on a support letter.” I kid you not that was why he resigned. I mean all that pressure of being inclusive can wear anyone down – I guess. I mean seriously, the self righteous and sheer arrogance of these folks is beyond imaginable. 
The drama gets more dramatic – stay tuned for the next blog!
Idil – Somali Autism Mom and Minority Advocate.

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Dr. Dawson and Autism Speaks Part Ways

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Dr. Dawson is probably one of the best autism researchers and pioneers in the country. Starting with her days back in University of Washington where she started their autism center for evaluations and treatment which is one of the best in the country. 

In addition, Dr. Dawson has been in my humble little opinion the voice of reason and the backbone for Autism Speak’s research department as their chief science officer for years now. I remember when I first contacted Dr. Dawson back in 2010 when I was trying to raise autism awareness in the Somali community – my first thought was just try because why would a person with such caliber talk to me.
To my pleasant surprise, I was given a phone appointment in which I was so nervous and forgot what to even ask for at first. Eventually – I got enough nerve and asked if Autism Speaks could support autism in our community with research funding. Dr. Dawson was so sweet and kind that she took my request to then president Mark R and sure enough when I spoke at IACC in late 2010, Autism Speaks contributed $100,000 and technical assistance (from Michael R, another amazing researcher) to a Somali Autism research.
Then I remember after the meeting which I was also soooo nervous to speak given that is where America’s creme de la crem in public health is, she gave me a hug and said “you did great”. 
I will forever be indebted and grateful to Dr. Dawson. She is just such a kind hearted person that validates all autism issues. It is very difficult to please all autism families and parents because there is so much controversy and complexity, but somehow Dr. Dawson does it with ease and smoothness.
I thank you Dr. Dawson from the bottom of my heart and wish you well in your new chapter.
Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

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Comments Off on NAACP President Resigns and why should we care?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People stands for just that. It is one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the country and has done lots of good. 

However, lately especially under Ben Jealous – NAACP has become the do nothing substantial civil rights policy agency. I am sorry, but “marriage equality” or “immigration reform” is not an African American civil rights issue. Oh, I don’t know maybe health disparity including autism, racial profiling, stop and frisk bias laws, education gap, high unemployment and economic injustice might be true African American civil rights concerns that still linger.
In other words, what NAACP should be fighting for is the right for African Americans to have equal access to the American dream and part of the American pie. This can be done nationally and state by state through legislation and resolutions. Instead Mr. Jealous has been on a media campaign on unnecessary things because he is media savvy and charming for the wrong reasons.
At any rate, Mr. Jealous abruptly announced yesterday that he was stepping down as 
President and CEO of NAACP. Under President Obama – the first African American President – so much could and should have been accomplished by NAACP and CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) in Congress. 
Instead, all we heard was we need a “Black Agenda” and blaming the president, and don’t get me wrong President Obama sure could use a binder full of qualified African Americans for his high level cabinet and staff which still lack enough diversity. But, asking him to fix the Black agenda is like asking someone to make the Indian Ocean sweet by putting one bucket of sugar at a time. Seriously – that is inhumanly impossible. 
What might have worked is if Ben Jealous in collaboration with CBC actually wrote actual legislations and policies for the bias mass Black incarceration by making black and white crime punishment the same. By holding federal health and education agencies accountable for the grants and funding they give to state health and education departments, so that the resources are shared and African American communities are part of it. By repealing the stupid and bias stop and frisk – OK that happened by a judge. By supporting families and children rather than big union bosses and eliminating this persistent education gap between white and black students. 
If you are asking what does this have to do with Autism – well autism disparity exist in every state at every level by almost every state and Federal agency. Therefore, eliminating and having tangible policies that not only decreased disparity but eliminated it by having specific language then there would probably be no need for bloggers like me. 
So, in my humble little opinion – I am glad Mr. Flashy Jealous is leaving NAACP. One of my favorite African American professors also wrote his own opinions yesterday. Take a read here.
Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

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Comments Off on Support from SAPA and CSCM for Idil in MN Autism Task Force

Alright, if you follow local news and/or local MN autism issues, you have heard that MN Autism Task Force had some members that left and some that have been appointed recently. All members of this task force are only appointed by an elected official, usually the senate majority leader or the speaker of the MN house. 

One of the new members appointed by MN House Speaker Thissen is Rep Norton. Yay, my least fav autism elected official in MN. Rep Norton has written and voted as I have said many times some really horrible autism policies. Rep Norton’s autism bills/legislations flat-out discriminated against low income autism families who are disproportionately minorities. The worst of it all is that Rep Norton does not want to own, explain or defend her legislatons, rather run away from them and pretend it did not happen or we are stupid.
At any rate, the first thing Rep Norton does when she joins our little state autism task force is pick on & try to remove the only black person in this committee which is me. I kid you not and of course her disparity creator pal – Sen Eaton quickly joins her along MDH & Pacer reps who I have blogged about their failed policies and hogging Federal/State funds which clearly have not decreased autism disparity in Minn. So, this was not a surprise in my opinion.  
Well  – needless to say, I am not going to be bullied by them or anyone about autism and fighting for communities of color and under-served families. In fact, such bullies energize me to advocate even more for so many voiceless minority autism children and parents. So, I contacted MN GOP, MN DFL, Minority Liberty Alliance and Somali community leaders. And I got a call and support from MN GOP and MLA who also sent supportive emails on my behalf. In addition, I received unparalleled support letters from Somali American Parent Association and Confederation Somali Community of Minnesota. MN DFL approach to this “drop dead & don’t care” which was not a surprise and is the norm for them. 
Nevertheless, I am sooooo grateful to MN GOP, MLA, SAPA and CSCM (which is the biggest Somali Community center MN and in the country per the number of Somalis it serves). I am also thankful to everyone especially parents who contacted me offline. You are all truly the wind behind my little wings. Thank you very much!
Here is the bottom line and a fact; MN Autism Task force is a public law written by Rep Mack (R) from Apple Valley and it has specific charge which is in a nut shell to write and implement a statewide autism plan from birth to adulthood across the spectrum. Nothing more and nothing less is needed. We are not there to be friends or enemies – just to debate autism policy publicly, vote on them publicly and defend our votes for All Minnesotans dealing with ASD. There are 19 members in this task force and I was nominated by chair of health and human services finance committee, Rep Abeler and appointed by previous speaker of MN House Rep Zellers. Here is the ASD charge.
The notion and the audacity of any member of this task force to remove another member or dictate what any member can or cannot say in their own time in their own opinions is silly, ridiculous and wrong. Rep Norton or any other public official has zero right & nerve to bully another member who disagrees with their autism policies. 
Therefore, what I think of xyz MN elected officials public policy is my own opinion and my right. 
My advice for Rep Norton and Sen Eaton would be – don’t introduce policies that you are going to be ashamed of in the first place. And your autism bill which said limited coverage for low income kids and unlimited coverage for wealthier kids is a shame in every sense of the word. I did not write that bill – you did and you should own it and defend it to all of your voters. 
These are my opinions, what I think and do not represent MN autism task force or any committee.
Idil – Somali Autism Mom and Minority Advocate 

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Comments Off on Gov Dayton & Autism in Minnesota – how is it going?

Alright, as many remember Gov Dayton of Minnesota won with less than 9000 votes back in 2010 and is up for re-election in 2014. What does this mean for our community of over 50 thousand which seems to suffer and struggle with autism at a higher rate. 

Well, let’s think about this and hopefully use our votes wisely next time. One of my favorite African American Journalist and blogger Lauren from Crewof42 wrote once Jack Lew to Detroit “drop dead” and $1.5 billion to Egypt – Zero for Detroit. See that blog here.
Gov Dayton met non-minority autism families on world autism day in 2013. They were given an opportunity to tell him their pain and frustrations. To us in minority autism families we were told he is too busy for us, in layman’s terms – drop dead. See that story here and notice there is not one single parent of color.
I know every elected official has some kind of gate keepers to filter information and prioritize and I must say Gov Dayton’s gatekeepers are as heartless as a hammer. Remember when his chief of staff Smith was the chief of staff for Mpls Mayor and was called velvet hammer in city hall. See that story here.
Well, in my humble little minority autism mom opinion – I like to think we have been treated with heartless hammer and get lost attitude from every corner in this administration. Also, remember when Gov Dayton was a candidate and we were told “he will be better than Gov Pawlenty” because his administration will reflect Minnesota and have more minorities. Well – Gov Pawlenty had one person of color in his cabinet and – Gov Dayton (the great savior) has two. Yay! See that here. For what it is worth here, it took one email to Gov Pawlenty’s scheduler Amy and one phone call to his policy adviser Brian LeClair in one day (if you can believe that) to get the ball of Autism in the Somali community rolling which resulted MDH research in 2009, MDH community forums in 2008, an autism professional forum in 2009 and a Somali autism brochure. With Gov Dayton, almost 4 years later, we are still begging, think about that.
Also, remember, when Gov Dayton got mad because the MN Senate did not confirm one of his nominees and he just gave her a job. See that story here. When our community centers struggle and they ask for support they are told by heartless hammer to drop dead or get lost. Remember when MinnPost did a story on what it would be like if the other side controlled and mocked the controlling side in 2011 & 2012 sessions. Well – in 2013 session, this side just added more committees, more chairs and more staff, but when our community centers struggle and ask for support, guess what they are told – drop dead or get lost, even though one of their board members Sen Cohen is the chair of the Senate full finance committee. 
Getting the hint here – please use your votes wisely and don’t buy into anymore useless campaign slogans. Judge them by their policies or lack thereof.
It will be interesting to see how Gov Dayton will spin his policies for 2014 elections and how all of these folks including Gov Dayton will make us think we are stupid or out of touch. I am sure they will hire couple of turofatoore communitiga hafiya oo aan fahansanayn the difference between policy from poop. We are a lot of things here in minority autismville, but stupid ain’t one of them. 
We have to vote better and wiser. 
Finally, I get asked to run for some kind of office and as flattering as that sounds, I will not for many reasons. First, there are much more qualified other Somalis already running this year and hopefully beyond. 2nd, if you have ever seen an interview between reporter Bill O’ Reilly and Rep Barney Frank that would be me at the MN state capitol because so many of these folks would irritate me so much, see that here. 3rd, if you follow education policy and remember from Washington DC schools – Michelle Rhee who fired everyone – that would me because I would first get rid of MDH’s CMH staff and combine MDH with DHS since there is no need for two health and human services agencies. And, that would probably piss off lots of people. 4th, and the most important reason – as much as I like to blog about our current MN politicians, I could not possibly do what they do. Sometimes these folks have to understand & comprehend hundreds and even thousands of bills and vote making decisions that would affect millions of people. That is a pressure and a job that needs someone smart & strong.
So, please support other Somalis and minorities running this year and next year from city council to county commissioner, etc – but also hold them accountable to their policies as well. 
Idil – Somali Autism Mom & Minority Advocate

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